Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay about Khorassan Silver Inlaid Bronze Jug Made in...
In the East Iranian World apiece titled Bronze ewer inlaid with silver (Inv. No. LNS 118M), also called Khorassan Silver Inlaid Bronze Jug, was made in March – April 1205. The ewer is about 9 ¼ in. (23.1cm.) high. The ewer has a pattern of raised bands on it cylinder shaped body on top of its round base with grooves in it. It has a flat cylinder neck that is connected to a plain band at the very top. It has a simple loop handle that starts at the top of the ewer to the middle. Like the title says the ewer is bronze inlaid with silver. Areas of the ewer are slightly corroded with green. On the bands on the ewer is engraved the signs of the zodiac. It has a curved band of naskh below and a band of kufic above, the shoulder of the ewer is a on†¦show more content†¦, wal-kirama , wal-sala , ma wal-d , aim wal-daw[la] , al-kamila , wal-saa , da wal-m , wal-shukr which means; With good fortune, blessing, ......, generosity, well-being, perpetuity, glory, compelte wealth, happiness and gratitude. The naskh below that reads al-izz wal-i, qbal wal-da , wala wa , l-qanaa wa , l-riyada wal-saa,dawal-sala , ma wal-daw[la] , wal-shafaa wal-r[aha] which means; Glory, prosperity, wealth, contentment, self-denial, happiness, well-being, turn of fortune, intercession and ease (Christies, 1-2). They believed the ewer was probably made for a local governor or Amir, because, together with the customary good wishes to the Amir, a titles interruption denotes that the owner, al-Jayshi ibn Muhammad, was favored and trusted by kings and sultans. First looking at the ewer you can see the ewer is very old, whereas most of the bronze has turned a greenish color. Looking at the ewer you get drawn into all the writing and the pictures of the zodiac signs that surround it. The ewer looks more like a symbolization of something, like it has some type of meaning to it. As I look at the zodiac signs surrounding the ewer a viewer wonders what are they suppose to mean. I know zo diac has do the heavens, sun, and the moon. So I figured it have to be a gift to wish good luck or good wishes. The viewpoint of the ewer in the museum is a good viewpoint; you can see the front, side and top. You cannot see the back, but
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Human Populations One Child China Grows Up - 982 Words
Chapter 4: Human Populations: One-Child China Grows Up Summary Who? (People Involved) †¢ â€Å"Little Emperors††¢ Chinese Leaders †¢ Thomas Malthus, an English Priest †¢ Wang Feng, Director of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy †¢ Susan Greenhalgh, Harvard University Anthropologist and author of a book called Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng’s China. †¢ Qin Yijao and family †¢ Therese Hesketh, a global health professor at University of College London. What? (Environmental Issue) †¢ Overpopulation, high total fertility rates. †¢ It was mentioned that today the nation with the most population is China. †¢ The health and well being of both women and children. †¢ Abortion and sterilization rates soared, resulting in more†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ It’s essential to know that in 1949, China had a population 3 times the size of the United States of 500 million. This was after life expectancy had increased from age 45 to 60. †¢ In the later part of 1950’s, famine was the culprit of 30 million lives. †¢ 1970’s the government blamed overpopulation after there was a dreadful shortage of consumer goods. This led the Chinese leaders to mandate a command of having no more than one-child per family in 1979. †¢ In 1998, an earlier Chinese family planning official let it be known that women giving birth were forced to have an abortion. †¢ 2008, it was reported by The Telegraph that 20,000 sterilizations and abortions were ordered as a country in Guangdong failed to follow the one-child policy. †¢ It was in 2002 that the Chinese government banned the use of physical force to control a woman to be sterilized or have an abortion. †¢ By 2011, the fertility rate in China dropped to 1.54 and declared to have prevented a daunting 400 million births. Where? †¢ China, where the one-child policy takes place †¢ Mentions of other countries including the United States in terms of comparisons and facts. Why? (Why it is happening) †¢ As the crude death rate decreases, the crude birth rate rose. †¢ Migration played a role †¢ Due to agricultural and economic policies causing lives to be taken away from
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Puritan Life Free Essays
The expansion of literacy Influenced Puritans to become more involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England In the 17th century, felt compelled to be devoted to god In all possible manners; thus resulting In the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church. This united sense within the community spread, according to John Winthrop, It was the will of God; God had Intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, In order for them not to lose God’s support Puritans must come together In all circumstances, be It miracle or tragedy. We will write a custom essay sample on Puritan Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Puritans felt God had a Lana for their lives, that he had led them to the New world with great Intentions for them: feeling God had led them to the place they came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought them here. In doing so they developed a theory that God had determined they be bestowed with literacy, leaving illiterate ministries in the past (as noted in A Statement about Education in New England. 1643). The expansion of literacy influenced Puritans to become more involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England in the 1 7th century, felt compelled to be devoted to god in all possible manners; thus resulting in the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church. This united sense within the community spread, according to John Winthrop, it was the will of God; God had intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, in order for them not to lose God’s support Puritans must come together in all circumstances, be it miracle or tragedy. Puritans felt God had a plan for their lives, hat he had led them to the New World with great intentions for them; feeling God had led them to the place they came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought them here. In doing so they developed a theory that God had determined they be bestowed with literacy, leaving illiterate ministries In the past (as noted in A Statement about Education in New England, 1643). The expansion of literacy influenced Puritans to become more Involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England In the 17th century, felt impelled to be devoted to god in all possible manners; thus resulting In the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church. This united sense within the community spread, according to John Winthrop, It was the will of God; God had Intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, In order for them not to lose God’s support Puritans must come together In all circumstances, be It miracle or tragedy-puritans felt God had a plan for their lives, that he had led them to the New World with great Intentions for them; feeling God had led them to the place hey came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought them here. In doing so they developed a theory that God had determined they be Statement about Education in New England, 1643). The expansion of literacy influenced Puritans to become more involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England in the 17th century, felt compelled to be devoted to god in all possible manners; thus resulting in the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church. This united sense within the immunity spread, according to John Winthrop, it was the will of God; God had intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, in order for them not to lose God’s support Puritans must come together in all circumstances, be it miracle or tragedy. Puritans felt God had a plan for their lives, that he had led them to the New World with great intentions for them; feeling God had led them to the place they came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought bestowed with literacy, leaving illiterate ministries in the past (as noted in A tragedy. How to cite Puritan Life, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
J.J Thomson free essay sample
J also had a brother that was two years younger than him-self named, Frederick Vernon Thompson. He went to private schools in the beginning of his education career, where he showed a great interest and passion for science, and when was 14 years old when he was accepted in to Owens College. His mother and father originally wanted him to study to be an engineer and get an apprentice for a local locomotive manufacturer, but due to his father’s death in 1873 his plans changed. He moved away from Owens College, and into Trinity College in Cambridge, where he then obtained his BA in mathematics in 1880. He married one of his students, Rose Elizabeth Paget, and they had one son and one daughter. We will write a custom essay sample on J.J Thomson or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page J. J Thompson died still working on the college campus on August 30th, 1940 from unspecified causes at the age of 83. He married one of his students, Rose Elizabeth Paget, and they had one son and one daughter. J. J Thomson was without a doubt religious. He was a devout Anglican Episcopalian who regularly attended services at the Angelican church, and also went to Sunday evening college chapel services. I believe, that the best statement that I found, about the religious practices of Mr. Thomson was from one of his students, Sir Owen Richardson who said He was sincerely religious, a churchman with a dislike for Anglo-Catholicism, a regular communicant, who every day knelt in private prayer, a habit known only to Lady Thomson until near the end of his life. Further research shows that J. J Thompson never missed a day of prayer(as quoted above) and that every day before going to sleep, he would read his bible. Some of J. J’s speeches, and addresses also show that he was a devout believer in God, show in what he stated in his inaugural presidential address into the British association, As we conquer peak after peak we see in front of us regions full of interest and beauty, but we do not see ur goal, we do not see the horizon; in the distance tower still higher peaks, which will yield to those who ascend them still wider prospects, and deepen the feeling, the truth of which is emphasized by every advance in science, that Great are the Works of the Lord. Here we clearly see, that he doesn’t take credit for his accomplishments, he gives the credit to the Lord.
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