Thursday, October 31, 2019
Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings Essay
Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings - Essay Example Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings In client/server architecture, the application and database reside on one host computer, the file server and each server is accessible by all computers on the network. The Internet transmits data from host to client server, and if it finds the receiving computer on a network to which the first computer is directly connected, it sends the message directly. If the receiving computer is not on the same network as the sending computer, the sending computer relays the message to another computer that can forward it. The same way the computers communicate through the network to access Internet. Network that link systems worldwide to access the Internet pass data in form of chunks called Packets, each of which carries the address of its sender and its receiver. The set of conventions used to pass packets from one host to another is known as Internet Protocol (IP). In order to access the Internet one must have an account with the service provider and software that allows a direct link via TCP/IP. LAN/WAN servers are used for communication. Internet is a connection of interconnected networks, which are capable of freely exchanging information while WWW is an Internet service-comprising tens of thousands of independently owned computers that work together as one. These computers are called web servers scattered all over the world and contain every type of data.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant Essay Example for Free
Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant Essay Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are two of the greatest basketball players to ever live. The way they play the game is memorizing. These two athletes are very extraordinary, though only one can be called the greatest of all time. The debate still and will always continue on who is the best. On one hand, there is the 6 time NBA champion in Michael Jordan; in the other there is the phenom who scored eighty- one points in one game, Kobe Bryant. In my opinion, Michael Jordan is and will always be the greatest basketball player to ever play the game. When I think of the word, legend, only one name comes to my mind and that name is Michael Jordan. Even the president of the United States thinks MJ is the better choice. Oh, Michael, the lifelong basketball fan told The Associated Press I mean Kobes terrific. Dont get me wrong, Obama said of the four-time NBA champion. But I havent seen anybody match up with Jordan yet. Michael Jordan tops Kobe Bryant in many ways, such as: offense, defense, and overall career achievements. In today’s generation of basketball superstars, there is one distinguished player, Kobe Bryant that holds a reflection to another known superstar, Michael Jordan in his ability to play the game, offensively and defensively; however, they differ in their overall performances. Although sports fans attempt to compare the two players, many will agree that Michael Jordan carries the best offensive and defensive numbers, while Kobe Bryant holds the title of the youngest all-star to ever enter the National Basketball Association. Both Jordan and Bryant were offered huge endorsement deals, with Kobe Bryant taking the lead as one of the largest global brands, in basketball history. The game of basketball is a rewarding sport that allows its players to give back to the community. There is no competition, when it comes to giving back to the community, as each player is equally involved in charitable organizations. In the professional basketball world, sports fans will agree that Michael Jordan is the better player, while other fans are loyal to Kobe Bryant. When looking at offensive and defensive numbers, objectivity and a hard look at the facts leaves one conclusion without a doubt, that Michael Jordan is one of the greatest players in NBA history. He is famous for blocked shots, rebounds, and scoring an average of 30 points per game, during his career (Squidoo, 2012). As an offensive player, Jordan has the advantage. In his best season, his fans will count on him to average 37 points per game compared to Kobe Bryant’s best season of 35 points per game. Michael Jordan, a true team player, averages eight assists per game in his best season, and an average of five assists during his career. Unlike Jordan, Kobe Bryant, as an offensive player averages six assists per game during his best season, and he is close to beating Jordan’s average with four assists per game.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Chinas Development Strategy Under Mao Zedong History Essay
Chinas Development Strategy Under Mao Zedong History Essay The industrial system taken over by the Chinese Communist leadership in 1949 was not only rudimentary and war-devastated, but also extremely imbalanced. Over 70% of the industrial assets and output were concentrated in the coastal areas while the rest of the country shared the remainder. Within the coastal region, modern industrial production was again heavily concentrated in a few cities, namely Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Anshan, Benxi, Dalian and Fushun accounted for 55% of the total for the coastal region. China was a typical dual economy, in which a few industrial cities were surrounded by large-scale agriculture. When the Chinese leadership started its efforts at industrialization, it regarded the huge coast-interior imbalance as irrational because, firstly, areas of industrial production were usually too far away from energy and raw materials supply areas and the interior market, meaning substantial long-distance transport costs and creating a strain on Chinas undeve loped transport system. Secondly, the rich resources in the inland areas could not be properly exploited. Finally, since the coast was easily exposed to foreign military power, the heavy concentration of industry there represented a national security risk, as was the case during the Second World War. To rectify that regional imbalance, the Chinese leadership decided to pull the levers of centrally directed investment. (Yang, 1990) During the land reform, a significant amount landlords were murdered at Communist Party gatherings, the land was taken from them and given to poorer peasants and there was also the Campaign to Suppress Counter-revolutionaries, which involved public executions targeting mainly former Kuomintang officials, businessmen accused of market disturbances, former employees of Western companies and intellectuals whose loyalty was suspect. In 1976, the U.S. State department estimated around a million may have been killed in the land reform, and a further 800,000 killed in the counterrevolutionary campaign (Shalom, 1984, p24). Mao himself claimed that a total of 700,000 people were executed during the years 1949-53 (Chang Halliday, 2005). However, because there was a policy to select at least one landlord, and usually several, in virtually every village for public execution, the number of deaths ranged between 2 and 5 million. In addition, at least 1.5million people (Short, 2001), perhaps as ma ny as 6 million were sent to reform through labour camps where many perished (Valentino, 2004). Mao played a personal role in organizing the mass repressions and established a system of execution quotas, which were often exceeded. Nevertheless he defended these killings as necessary for the securing of power. Chinas first Five-Year Plan entailed the forced provision of cheap agricultural supplies to cities, though per capita allocation kept low to discourage urbanization. In rural areas, production decisions are shifted from households to mutual aid teams, and then to cooperatives where a cadre makes key decisions. Ownership is redefined in the form of state-owned enterprises and collectivized farms. In terms of financial structure, the binding constraints on households and enterprises at this time are coupons, authorizations, and orders to deliver. These instruments rather than money determine production and consumption outcomes; therefore prices are of secondary importance. The Hundred Flowers campaign brings unanticipated criticism, especially from intellectuals, which Mao silences in the repressive anti-rightist campaign. Almost two-thirds of the major projects, including many being built with Soviet aid were located in the interior. Despite allowance made to help rehabilitate war-devastated coastal industrial facilities, nearly 56% of the state investment in fixed assets went to the interior during this period. The interior-orientated investment policy took its toll in terms of economic efficiency as coastal industrial growth was sorely needed as a foundation for the development of the whole country. More concentrated efforts at rehabilitation and improvement of old enterprises in the coastal region could have produced more immediate economic pay-offs than making new investments in areas that lacked infrastructural support. Thus, Mao, in his April 1956 speech On the ten great relationships, commented that in the past few years we have not laid enough stress on industry in the coastal region so that the productive power of coastal industry could be used for the full development of the whole country, e specially the interior. In the same speech, however, Mao also revealed he was in favour of building most of heavy industry, 90% or perhaps still more, in the interior. Gottschang (1987) discussed how China used a Soviet approach to economic development was manifested in the First Five-Year Plan. The main objective was a high rate of economic growth, with primary emphasis on industrial development at the expense of agriculture and particular concentration on heavy industry and capital-intensive technology. Large numbers of Soviet engineers, technicians, and scientists assisted in developing and installing new heavy industrial facilities, including entire plants and pieces of equipment purchased from the Soviet Union. Government control over industry was increased during this period by applying financial pressures and inducements to convince owners of private, modern firms to sell them to the state or convert them into joint public-private enterprises under state control. By 1956 approximately 67.5% of all modern industrial enterprises were state owned, others were under joint ownership. No privately owned firms remained. During the same period, the handicraft industries were organized into cooperatives, which accounted for 91.7% of all handicraft workers by 1956. Agriculture also underwent extensive organizational changes. To facilitate the mobilization of agricultural resources, improve the efficiency of farming, and increase government access to agricultural products, the authorities encouraged farmers to organize increasingly large and socialized collective units. From the loosely structured, tiny mutual aid teams, villages were to advance first to lower-stage, agricultural producers cooperatives, in which families still received some income on the basis of the amount of land they contributed, and eventually to advanced cooperatives, or collectives. In the agricultural producers cooperatives, income shares were based only on the amount of labour contributed. In addition, each family was allowed to retain a small private plot on which to grow vegetables, fruit, and livestock for its own use. The collectivization process began slowly but accelerated in 1955 and 1956. In 1957 about 93.5% of all farm households had joined advanced producers co operatives. In terms of economic growth the First Five-Year Plan was quite successful, especially in those areas emphasized by the Soviet-style development strategy. A solid foundation was created in heavy industry. Key industries, including iron and steel manufacturing, coal mining, cement production, electricity generation, and machine building were greatly expanded and were put on a firm, modern technological footing. Thousands of industrial and mining enterprises were constructed, including 156 major facilities. Industrial production increased at an average annual rate of 19% between 1952 and 1957, and national income grew at 9% a year. Despite the lack of state investment in agriculture, agricultural output increased substantially, averaging increases of about 4% a year. This growth resulted primarily from gains in efficiency brought about by the reorganization and cooperation achieved through collectivization. As the First Five-Year Plan wore on, however, Chinese leaders became increasingl y concerned over the relatively sluggish performance of agriculture and the inability of state trading companies to increase significantly the amount of grain procured from rural units for urban consumption. The First Five-Year Plan was for a long time the only plan that was even partially executed. The success of the First Five Year Plan encouraged Mao to initiate the Great Leap Forward, in 1958. Mao also launched a phase of rapid collectivization. The Party introduced price controls as well as a Chinese character simplification aimed at increasing literacy. The Great Leap was not merely a bold economic project, it was also intended to show the Soviet Union that the Chinese approach to economic development was more vibrant, and ultimately would be more successful, than the Soviet model that had been used previously. Under the economic program, the relatively small agricultural collectives which had been formed were rapidly merged into far larger peoples communes, and many of the peasants ordered to work on massive infrastructure projects and the small-scale production of iron and steel. Some private food production was banned; livestock and farm implements were brought under collective ownership. Under the Great Leap Forward, Mao and other party leaders ordered the implementation of a variety of unproven and unscientific new agricultural techniques by the new communes. Combined with the diversion of labour to steel production and infrastructure projects and the reduced personal incentives under a commune system this led to an approximately 15% drop in grain production in 1959 followed by further 10% reduction in 1960 and no recovery in 1961 (Spence, p.553). To win favour with superiors and avoid being purged, each layer in the party hierarchy exaggerated the amount of grain produced under them and based on the fabricated success, party cadres were ordered to requisition a disproportionately high amount of the true harvest for state use primarily in the cities and urban areas but also for export, which resulted in the rural peasant snot left enough to eat and millions starved to death in the largest famine in human history. This famine was a direct cause of the death of some 3 0 millions of Chinese peasants between 1959 and 1962 and about the same number of births were lost or postponed. Further, many children who became emaciated and malnourished during years of hardship and struggle for survival, died shortly after the Great Leap Forward came to an end in 1962 (Spence, p.553). The famine was due to Maos leaning heavily on mass mobilization to speed up industrial development. The Great Leap emphasized heavy industry in general, and the iron and steel industry in particular. In any case, the Great Leap came to be a leap into disaster and was a major cause of Chinas worst famine (1959-61). During this period state investment in industrial assets in the interior continued to increase. It averaged 59.4% of the national total during 1958-62 and further grew to 62-5% in the post-Leap adjustment period (1963-65). In the meantime, worsening Sino-Soviet relations and U.S. involvement in Vietnam led Chinas leaders to perceive a greater need for enhancing its national defence capabilities. As a result, despite the much felt post-crisis need to invigorate existing industrial production and restore consumption levels, Mao in 1964 ruled in favour of building more defence-orientated industries in the interior so that Chinas industrial infrastructure would survive a foreig n invasion and provide for a protracted defensive war. (Yang, 1990, p.236-7) As part of this push for hierarchical organization and revolutionary thinking, Mao initiates the Peoples Commune Movement to foster a communist-agrarian society. Bad incentives and bad weather bring the famine of 1960 with its accompanying economic turmoil, starvation, and rural revolt. Twenty to thirty million people lose their lives through malnutrition and famine (Fairbanks 1987, p.296). The failure of the Great Leap Forward and the Peoples Commune Movement created the first open split within the ranks of communist leaders. Furthermore, a major rift opens with the Soviets, leading to a break in relations and Russian aid flows. (Jaggi et al., WP 1996) The Great Leap Forward was a disaster for China. Although the steel quotas were officially reached, almost all of it made in the countryside was useless lumps of iron, as it had been made from assorted scrap metal in homemade furnaces with no reliable source of fuel such as coal. At the Lushan Conference in 1959, several leaders expressed concern that the Leap was not as successful as planned. The most direct of these was Minister of Defence and Korean War General Peng Dehuai. Mao, fearing loss of his position, orchestrated a purge of Peng and his supporters, stifling criticism of the Great Leap policies. Senior officials who reported the truth of the famine to Mao were branded as right opportunists (Becker, 1998). A campaign against right opportunism was launched and resulted in party members and ordinary peasants being sent to camps where many would subsequently die in the famine. The party have now concluded that 6 million were wrongly punished in the campaign. (Valentino, 2004, p . 127) The largest man-made famine on record was the Chinese famine of 1958-1961, which resulted in the death of an estimated 30 million people and approximately the same number of births lost or postponed. This famine was thought to be as a direct result of the decision by Mao Zedong to launch the Great Leap Forward, a mass mobilization of the population to achieve economic advancement. Mao followed the Stalinist ideology of heavy industry being the answer to economic advancement, peasants were ordered to abandon all private food production and instead produce steel which proved to be of extremely poor quality and of little or no use (Smil, 1999). This created a similar pattern to that of the loss of grain production needed to feed the population as seen in the Ukraine in the 1930s,by the spring of 1959 famine had affected people living in one-third of Chinas provinces. Until the mid 1980s, when official census figures were finally published by the Chinese Government, little was known abou t the scale of the disaster in the Chinese countryside, as the handful of Western observers allowed access during this time had been restricted to model villages where they were deceived into believing that Great Leap Forward had been a great success. There was also an assumption that the flow of individual reports of starvation that had been reaching the West, primarily through Hong Kong and Taiwan, must be localized or exaggerated as China was continuing to claim record harvests and was a net exporter of grain through the period. Because Mao wanted to pay back early to the Soviets debts totalling 1.973 billion yuan from 1960 to 1962, exports increased by 50%. (ONeill, 2008) Censuses were carried out in China in 1953, 1964 and 1982. The first attempt to analyse this data in order to estimate the number of famine deaths was carried out by Dr Judith Banister. Given the gaps between the censuses and doubts over the reliability of the data, an accurate figure is difficult to ascertain. Banister concluded that the official data implied that around 15 million excess deaths incurred in China during 1958-61 and that based on her modelling of Chinese demographics during the period and taking account of assumed underreporting during the famine years, the figure was around 30 million. The official statistic is 20 million deaths, as given by Hu Yaobang (Short, 2001). Partly surrounded by hostile American military bases, China was confronted with a Soviet threat from the north and west. Both the internal crisis and the external threat called for extraordinary statesmanship from Mao, but as China entered the new decade the statesmen of the Peoples Republic were in hostile confrontation with each other. During Conference of the Seven Thousand in Beijing in 1962 State Chairman Shaoqi denounced the Great Leap Forward as responsible for widespread famine, with a majority of delegates expressing agreement, but Defence Minister Biao staunchly defended Mao. A brief period of liberalization followed while Mao and Lin plotted a comeback. Liu and Deng Xiaoping rescued the economy by disbanding the peoples communes, introducing elements of private control of peasant smallholdings and importing grain from Canada and Australia to mitigate the worst effects of famine. Sectoral priorities during the Great Leap (heavy industry, light industry and then agriculture) are reversed, to produce more food (Riskin 1987). Private plots are re-established, limited markets are reopened, and modern inputs such as chemical fertilizers are emphasized (Barnett 1974, p.126). The economy shows signs of recovery in 1963, and by 1965 China regains the level of production reached in 1957 (USITC 1985, 11-25). Third Five year Plan (1966-1969) tasks included developing agriculture to feed the populace and meet other basic needs (such as clothing); strengthening national defence (a priority given Chinese concerns of a potential war); advancing technology; developing infrastructure; encouraging economic self-reliance. Again striving to expand his command over the Party, Mao orchestrates the Cultural Revolution. Early stages of the movement entail a struggle against the so called antiparty clique, including Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. Mao calls on the youth as Red Guards to spread revolutionary zeal. They make a specialty of attacking professionals and intellectuals, and wreak havoc on the educational system. Begun as a political struggle, the Cultural Revolution paralyzes normal life and throws the economy into turmoil. The Fourth Five Year Plan was more successful than anticipated, with the industrial and agricultural goals exceeded by 14.1% and industrial gross output value goals by 21.1%. Agricultural gains also exceeded goals, but more moderately, with a 2.2% rise above expectations. According to the Official Portal of the Chinese Government, however, the focus on accumulation and rapid development in this and preceding plans were impediments to long-term economic development In September 1970, the Plan was drafted with such goals as maintaining an annual growth rate of 12.5% in industry and agriculture as well as specific budget allowances for infrastructure construction (130 billion yuan during the Plan). In 1973, some of the specific provisions of the plan were amended to lower the targets. All targets had been reached or surpassed by the end of 1973. China experienced a vibrant economy in the years 1972 and 1973. In conclusion, Maos five year plans, during his time as Chairman of the CPC, were not only enabled China to grow in terms of GDP, but enabled improved rates of literacy, improved living standards if only slightly, some elements of trade liberalisation occurred and a focus on agriculture was eventually made in order to develop food securities, there was some industrialisation and investment in infrastructure. The growth was mainly export-led as GDP per capita did not drastically increase, infrastructure investment rose to a level allowing China to uphold its ability to It therefore can be argued that although many millions of people suffered due to Mao, that China today has partly benefited from the Mao years, although I believe that if Mao had not been kept unaware of the situation that arose in the Great Leap Forward years, that the suffering and deaths that occurred could have been avoided.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essays: Metaphoric Images :: Fall House Usher Essays
Metaphoric Images in Poe's "Fall of the House of Usher" "The Fall of the House of Usher," one of Edgar Allen Poe's most celebrated tales has captured the imagination of readers both young and old. With great skill, Poe has metaphorically succeeded to mirror unlike objects in nature. One can find examples of how Poe has succeeded this throughout this short story. Among one of the first examples that one can find is "...that ancient metaphor for the body...(Montgomery 373)." The "ancient metaphor" that one can find is that of Roderick Usher and the later being the Usher house. With some close reading of the story, one can see how these two unlike objects mirror each other. To commence an analysis of the different examples found in the story, one must get some brief some brief background information. Roderick Usher was excessively reserved during his childhood and there after. Roderick was the product of inbreeding which had caused him to lead a rather unhealthy life. According to Magill in the book Masterpieces of World Literature, since th e Usher family had left only a direct line of descendants, the family and the house had become as one, the House of Usher(291). One can argue that this is true, but in my opinion, the relationship between the house and Roderick can be found in their descriptions. The story's narrator describes Roderick as more zombielike than human. This is due to Roderick's cadaverous facial complexion: large, luminous eyes, thin and very pallid lips, his nose of "a delicate Hebrew model," his small molded chin, broad forehead, and his soft and weblike hair(Magill 364). Throughout the story, the narrator describes Roderick's large eyes and hair with having a "wild gossamer texture" (Thompson 96). Roderick's unhealthy life has caused side effects to occur. They include such things as looking old for his age and at times trembling for no apparent reason (Bloom 60). The House of Usher is also similar to Roderick in their description. The house's facade, as the narrator describes, resembles a giant fac e or skull with its eye-like windows and the hairlike fungi that hangs on the house's facade(Magill 364). The stonework that covers the Usher house is in decay. This stonework reminds the narrator "...of old wood-work which has rotten for long years in some neglected vault." (Bloom59). The Usher House seems so fragile that it seems its instability will cause it to fall(59).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups Essay
Anthropology Statistics Introduction            In Archeological excavation retrieval of intact artifacts or remains is quite a challenge.            Archeology is the study of remains of human or animal or remains of human culture. It is very important in putting together the events of the past. It has helped to authenticate both written history and unwritten history. In itself, archeology has been central in discovery of history of human culture in the pre-literacy period. Man has been able to discover the hidden information that could not have come to surface were it not for the art of archeology(John Jameson J. E., 2012). Archeologies involve excavation, dating of remains, reassembling of found remains to understand the context of their use in human history. Today several theories have been put forward to explain about the origin of man. All these versions have been depending on the archeological studies to justify itself. The most surprising is that archeology has helped strengthen some beliefs more than others(Insoll, 2007).            No one has been able to refute biblical stories on the basis of archeological studies. Through archeology remotely written scrolls that prove the historical facts outlined in the bible. It has therefore enhanced the authenticity of the claims. There are numerous features that are put together to be able to get accurate morphology of the body remains found in an archeological site. The main concern of archeologist is the morphological features and changes that take place. All the skeletons and artifacts recovered from an archeological site are recorded in a systematic manner which makes access to them easier(John Jameson, 2007). In recoding this information, the name of the site, the identifier of the skeleton, an access number, and type of bone found, the segments of the skeleton found, completeness score and number of fragments. The level of surface preservation is also vital. The bone can also indicate different pathologies that the pers on suffered while alive. There are different cultural practices when it comes to disposal of dead bodies some bury while others cremate partially before burial while some groups cremate fully. All these practices have an effect on the remains found at an archeological site(Hanne Andersen, 2013).            Human history is quite important in understanding the modern day pattern of genetics and human settlement, ideological evolution and culture. Archeologists have to apply a lot of skills to ensure that they are accurate in their reconstruction, dating and inference. When the word archeology is mention many only thinks of a group of people who are only interested in digging up graves and ruins but it goes beyond the excavation(John Jameson, 2007).            The items that were used in the remote culture do not necessarily resemble the modern day tools and items. It takes a lot of study and brainstorming to find the purpose of a tool found at a site. The erosions and continuous formation of soil has made discovery of an archeological site quite difficult(Hanne Andersen, 2013). In fact most archeological site that has lavished our modern Museums was discovered by accidents. Very few had an intentional discovery. The floods and sedimentation and soil formation over years had been responsible for deeper and deeper burial of artifacts and remains of animals and human ancestry(Nicholas, 2010). This conceals the site completely leaving no clue on the surface(Nicholas, 2010).            As soils, rocks and materials sediments on the remains they act stronger forces on the remains. Other forces of nature that acts on the remains are exposed while at surface area also leaves effects of the remains. Unfortunately, these forces can destroy the artifacts and remain by modifying the structures and the morphology. Though the archeologists have used shapes of the modified skulls excavated from different sites to reconstruct the living morphology of the humans, it may be possible that the shapes discovered are not original and might have beendeformed by the pressure from the overlying soil and rocks(Stottman, 2010). Pieces of artifact of remote settlement are reassembled together to find out how the object looked but accuracy is still questionable. Various archeological objects discovered from various sites are rarely found intact.            The cause of the damage is varied and the cause of the archeological material are also numerous. The forces responsible for the disintegration of these materials include physical forces such as damage by stray wild animals, domestic animals, sunlight, rainfall, wind and cyclones. Long exposure to these environmental forces can further damage the materials hence losing evidence of cultural heritage. Depending on the culture of a particular people, human remain were others were disposed through different methods. Thus somebody remains were buried while others thrown in the remote areas. This exposed the bodies to wild animals that tear apart the body part leaving little clue that may be less helpful in reconstructing the body morphology(Peter Bleed, 2013). The practice of dead body cremation has been practiced for quite a long time. Though the partly charred bones found in such archeological sites helps deduce the cultural practice, it conce als the evidence of what type of people lived in the archeological site. Using carbon dating may also be altered as the burning may reduce o the accuracy of the dating(Insoll, 2007).            Time is also an important factor in the level of preservation of archeological material. Most of the remains of the remote human culture were not made of durable material. Even those that were made of metal were made of unrefined iron. When unrefined iron is exposed to earth for long it degrades and absorbed into the earth. The other material made from organic substances suchas wood, hides and skins easily undergo decay over time. In order to get information of the archeologist at the archeological on such material, a lot of care is required on the part the archeologist. They have to trace the impression by decayed material then infer from the impression what the artifact might have been. In doing an inference from an impression, it is obvious that one cannot be certain of its accuracy.            In consideration to human history, man has used numerous methods to preserve the dead bodies. The civilization of people who once lived in a particular location also play a role in determining the intactness of an artifact or body remains. Burial boxes and built tombs offer some resistance to the force of the earth pressure exerted on the remains hence reduced destruction of the remains. This makes studies easy and also determines the durability of the remains in the Museums where they are kept(John Jameson, 2007). Greater role is expected of the authorities that protect the archeological heritage. They should be guided by principles that that are thoroughly researched and successfully used elsewhere. It should be remembered that degradation continues despite excavation and transfer of the artifacts and remains to the museums(Nicholas, 2010).            In the General Conference of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization, it was noted that the preservation of the archeological sites, monuments, artifacts and remains depend on the affection that people has for them. The handlers of the artifacts of the sites and remains must develop passion to prevent further disintegration. The wish of the member countries to develop science was found to have great role. The contemplation to do further study in works of the past strengthens the understanding and cooperation between countries to protect archeological heritage. This further strengthens the fulfillment of the social mission(John Jameson J. E., 2012).            We will explore the data from a website on archeological human remains and consider each of the bone found in the site. The percentage of completeness is likely to nullify or prove the hypothesis on the subject.The data set is for human remains that were recovered from sixteen different archeological sites in Northumberland and Durham. The human remains are kept at the Great North Museum in Newcastle, Wintergardens and Sunderland in Sunderland and Roman fort. The rest of the skeletal material was taken to a laboratory for testing in Newcastle(Nicholas, 2010).            From the database of this skeletal material an analysis was done to determine the fragmentation and completeness of the material remains.            Below is a graph on the distribution of the remains according to the site where they were collected.            . The number of skeletal material collected per Acheological site            The skeletal materials were collected from various archeological sites and each site had a god number of material collected.            To do an assessment on the surface preservation is quite subjective. The evaluation of the surface is a good determinant of the age of the organism at time of death. It is also important in assessing the pathologies, sex and the age at death. The preservation is partly a subject of age. The ossified bone are well preserved over many years while poorly ossified degrade quite fast with time. The size of the bone is a subject of sex of the person(John Jameson S. B., 2007). The taphonomic processes such as excavation, burial environment, curation has an impact on the condition of the bone and the bulk of skeleton that will be recovered from a site. Excellent preservation means that there is no surface erosion while poor preservation shows poor preservation. The level of preservation along with the completeness has an effect on getting information from the material.            The excavated remains preservation per site of discovery in the graph in fig 2            Fig. 2 Distribution of preservation levels of the skeletons            Key to figure 2 0= Exellent, 1= Very Good, 2 = Good, 3 = Fair, 4 = Poor ,5 = Extremely poor ,6 = Burned bone            Where cremated remains were examined they were described by their appearance L= Longitudinally Split, T= Longitudinal and Transverse Checking C= Cracking, W= Warping (Michelle Gamble, 2012)            The level of completeness of the human skeletal material collected were the compared based on the percentage of the complete whole of the remains and the following were the results. Level f preservation varied from one remains to another and also from one archeological site to another. Not all the bones were fully preserved neither were they all poorly preserved. At least each percentage of preservation were represented (see key for reference). Table. 1 Frequency for completeness of different % complete Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 22 2.4 2.4 2.4 ? 1 .1 .1 2.5 1 307 32.9 32.9 35.3 2 167 17.9 17.9 53.2 3 346 37.0 37.0 90.3 4 91 9.7 9.7 100.0 Total 934 100.0 100.0 ?= Undefined 1 = 75% 4 = 100%            From the table it was noted that only 9.7% of the remains were 100% complete. This meant that more than 90 were fragmented, burned or decayed. This proves how much of the material were deformed hence identification had to be done through inference. The deformation might have been due to the pressure of the underlying soil or from physical forces. This data set also composed of the charged and burned body remains (Peter Bleed, 2013). These might have had an effect on the percentage but this is less significant as not most of the remote cultures cremated the dead bodies.The bar graph comparing the level of completeness is as in fig 3below. Fig 3 Key Y axis ?= Undefined 1 = 75% 4 = 100%(Michelle Gamble, 2012)            The percentage completeness was in different frequency. The collected remains had different level of completeness of the fragments. Each level of completeness was represented showing that the fragmentation is significant in all remains what varies is the degree.            Fragmentation also has greater effect on the artifacts. The fragment increases work in analysis of the archeological remains. The archeologist has to identify part of the fragment from numerous fragments then use then to reassemble the bone or the artifact. This can be quite challenging especially when parts of the same bone to be reassembled have decayed completely and is not traceable any longer(Stottman, 2010). This may be quite difficult the probability of reassembling unlike fragments is high. The connecting of wrong fragment has an effect on the morphology hence losing the right shape of the organism or objects. A wrong conclusion is made hence conceal the culture and body morphology of the organism. The fragments were recorded some in terms of weigh and some in terms of numbers. Fig 4. No and weight Fragments collected at the sites Note            The figures in the Y axis without units are the number of fragment while hose with units are weight of the fragments. The data set was not recorded in uniform units but is helpful for the comparison(Michelle Gamble, 2012).            The graph portrays the occurrence of a number of fragments and the weight of each fragment and the number collected from the sixteenarcheological sites.            Some of the bones were segmented. Some only part of the segments were found at the site Figure 5. Table of the Bone and the segment recovered            The table above is a plot of the bones and the corresponding type of segment collected from the archeological site. Conclusion            Most of the human skeletons collected from the sixteen sites have proved over 90% of fragmentation and fragmentation. This trend is similar in other skeletal material from archeological site, the same phenomenon happens with the animals remains, material artifacts of remote human culture. Therefore fragmentation is a great setback to the archeologist in getting right information for scientific and historical inference. Most of forces and conditions responsible for this are not preventable but human error during excavation may be avoided. With careful marking and excavation, the relevant information retrievable from material remains can be increased. Marking and protecting of identified archeological site is necessary. References Hanne Andersen, D. D. (2013). New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. New York: Springer. Insoll, T. (2007). The Archaeology of Identities: A Reader. New York: Routledge. John Jameson, J. E. (2012). Training and Practice for Modern Day Archaeologists. New York: Springer. John Jameson, S. B. (2007). Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups. New York: Springer. Michelle Gamble, C. F. (2012). Osteological Analysis of Early Bronze Age human skeletal remains in Tyne and Wear Museums. Retrieved March 29, 2014, from Acheology Data Service: Nicholas, G. P. (2010). Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists. Chicago: Left Coast Press. Peter Bleed, D. D. (2013). Custer, Cody, and Grand Duke Alexis: Historical Archaeology of the Royal Buffalo Hunt. New York: University of Oklahoma Press. Stottman, M. J. (2010). Archaeologists as Activists: Can Archaeologists Change the World? Alibama: University of Alabama Press. Source document
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Benefits of Recycling Plastics
The Benefits of Recycling Plastics One good reason to recycle plastic is that there is just so much of it. Plastics are used to manufacture an incredible number of products we use every day, such as beverage and food containers, trash bags and grocery bags, cups and utensils, childrens toys and diapers, and bottles for everything from mouthwash and shampoo to glass cleaner and dishwashing liquid. And thats not even counting all the plastic that goes into furniture, appliances, computers, and automobiles. The Need Is Growing As the use of plastics has increased over the years, they have become a larger part of our nations municipal solid waste (MSW)- growing from less than 1 percent in 1960 to more than 13 percent in 2013, according to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency. As an example of how and why plastic waste is increasing, the International Bottled Water Association reports that the U.S. consumed 9.67 billion gallons of bottled water in 2012, compared to 9.1 billion gallons the year before. The United States is the worlds leading consumer of bottled water. A good first step in reducing waste is switching to a reusable water bottle. Natural Resources and Energy Conservation Recycling plastics reduces the amount of energy and resources (such as water, petroleum, natural gas, and coal) needed to create plastic. According to a 2009 study by researchers Peter Gleick and Heather Cooley from the Pacific Institute of California, a pint-sized bottle of water requires about 2,000 times as much energy to produce as the same amount of tap water. Recycling Plastics Saves Landfill Space Recycling plastic products also keeps them out of landfills and allows the plastics to be reused in manufacturing new products. Recycling 1 ton of plastic saves 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space. And lets face it, a lot of plastic ends up directly in the environment, breaking down into tiny pieces, polluting our soil and water, and contributing to the oceans Great Garbage Patches. Its Relatively Easy Recycling plastics has never been easier. Today, 80 percent of Americans have easy access to a plastics recycling program, whether they participate in a municipal curbside program or live near a drop-off site. A universal numbering system for plastic types makes it even easier. According to the American Plastics Council, more than 1,800 U.S. businesses handle or reclaim postconsumer plastics. In addition, many grocery stores now serve as recycling collection sites for plastic bags and plastic wrap. Room for Improvement Overall, the level of plastics recycling is still relatively low. In 2012, only 6.7 percent of plastics in the municipal solid waste stream were recycled, according to the EPA. Alternatives to Plastic While recycling is important, one of the best ways to reduce the amount of plastic in our nations MSW is to find alternatives. For example, reusable grocery bags have seen a growth in popularity in recent years, and they are a great way to limit the amount of plastic that needs to be generated in the first place.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Descriptive on Turkey Essay Example
Descriptive on Turkey Essay Example Descriptive on Turkey Essay Descriptive on Turkey Essay Turkey is a transcontinental state. located largely in Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by 8 states. The Mediterranean Sea is to the South ; the Aegean Sea is to the West ; and the Black Sea is to the North. The country’s official linguistic communication is Turkish. which is spoken by about 85 % of the population as female parent lingua. The most legion cultural group is the Turks. who constitute between 70 % and 75 % of the population. Kurds are the largest cultural minority and. harmonizing to the same beginning. figure around 18 % of the population. Doner kabob is a Turkish dish made of meat cooked on a perpendicular tongue. usually lamb and poulet. Turkish Kofta ( meatballs ) normally made from lamb. Maklube is a colourful. tasty. and savoury dish. Turkish baklava is the most celebrated sweet sweet pastry in Meleagris gallopavo. Turkish tea and Turkish java are the most preferable drinks in Meleagris gallopavo. Pamukkale is one of Turkey’s top attractive forces and a cherished in the universe with its cotton palaces. From hot springs the H2O is so deposited in to the travertine patios. Mount nemrut is considered as the 8th admiration of the universe. On this mountain there are 30 feat high statues of Greek and Persian Gods. These statues were one time seated. with names of each God inscribed on them. The caputs of the statues have at some phase been removed from their organic structures. and they are now scattered throughout the site. Fethiye is one of Turkey’s well-known tourer Centres and is particularly popular during the summer. Fethiye-Oludeniz was chosen as the best touristry Centre in the universe by The Times and The Guardian newspapers in 2007. Over 7. 000 British citizens for good live in Fethiye. while about 600. 000 British tourers visit the town every summer. Here you can besides make sky diving Istanbul is Turkey’s most thickly settled metropolis. and its cultural and fiscal centre. Istanbul bridges Asia and Europe both physically and culturally. Population 12-19 million. doing the metropolis the world’s fifth-most-popular tourer finish. Antalya It is Turkey’s biggest international sea resort. It is the Centre of a part with beautiful beaches. verdant mountains. and a mindblowing figure of ancient ruins. Mustafa Ataturk ( male parent of Turks ) was Turkish army officer. radical solon. author. and the first President of Turkey. He is credited with being the laminitis of the Republic of Turkey. Erdogan has been widely considered to be the most influential Turkish leader of the Republican epoch after Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Azra kindred became the miss universe in 2002. Orhan pamuk is a Turkish novelist. film writer. academic and receiver of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature. his work has sold over 11 million books in 60 linguistic communications. [ 2 ] doing him the country’s best-selling author. Mehmet oz is an American-Turkish sawbones. writer. and telecasting personality. Republic Day is anniversary of the declaration of the Turkish Republic. Turkey’s public vacation taging the announcement of the democracy in 1923. Oil wrestle is the oldest continuously running. sanctioned featuring competition in the universe. . Turkey’s national twenty-four hours besides known 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day is a alone event. The laminitis of the Turkish Republic. Ataturk. dedicated April 23 to the kids of the state to stress that they are the hereafter of the new state. Military parades and ceremonials at memorials to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. who founded the Turkish Republic. are some common ways to observe Victory Day in Turkey. Turkish flags frequently adorn stores. public offices and people’s houses on this twenty-four hours. The Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival is the most of import national movie festivalin Turkey. held yearly since 1963. The festival starts with a parade in the metropolis of Antalya in the eventide of the first twenty-four hours. The award ceremonial takes topographic point in the shutting dark at the historical Aspendos theater.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Monet
Claude Monet Over the years there have been many respectable artists but one of the most famous of these artists would have to have been French impressionist Claude Oscar Monet. Monet was born on Nov. 14, 1840 in Paris, France and started showing an appreciation for art at an early age. When he was nineteen Monet decided that he wanted to attend art school and soon after that he entered the studio of Charles Glegre. While he was there he met and worked with other respectable artists such as Frederic Bazille, Auguset Renoir, and Alfred Sisley. Monet began working outside with the invention of portable tubes of oil paint in the 1840’s. Soon he began presenting his pictures of the outdoors sunlight with a direct sketch-like application of bright color. Many felt that would cut off any possibilities of him ever becoming a successful painter. Many of Monet’s paintings from this time are extremely loosely structured and the colors seemed to have been applied in strong, distinct strokes as if no reworking had been attempted. This type of art seemed to suggest that the artist had captured the spontaneous impression of nature. This along with the fact that one of Monet’s first paintings was entitled Impression: Sunrise, the press began to label Monet and his colleagues the impressionists. In the early 1870’s Monet and other Impressionists were in desperate need to sell some paintings so in 1874 they decided to appeal directly to the public and had the first of many Impressionist exhibitions. The shows lasted a month and although it drew a large crowd not many paintings were actually sold. As the years progressed so did Monet’s technique. By the mid-1880’s he had achieved much recognition and he was also, finally, financially secure. At the fourth impressionist exhibition in 1879, which took place in Paris, there was a huge turnout and for the time a profit was made. Although a profit had been made Monet decided not to d... Free Essays on Monet Free Essays on Monet Claude Monet Over the years there have been many respectable artists but one of the most famous of these artists would have to have been French impressionist Claude Oscar Monet. Monet was born on Nov. 14, 1840 in Paris, France and started showing an appreciation for art at an early age. When he was nineteen Monet decided that he wanted to attend art school and soon after that he entered the studio of Charles Glegre. While he was there he met and worked with other respectable artists such as Frederic Bazille, Auguset Renoir, and Alfred Sisley. Monet began working outside with the invention of portable tubes of oil paint in the 1840’s. Soon he began presenting his pictures of the outdoors sunlight with a direct sketch-like application of bright color. Many felt that would cut off any possibilities of him ever becoming a successful painter. Many of Monet’s paintings from this time are extremely loosely structured and the colors seemed to have been applied in strong, distinct strokes as if no reworking had been attempted. This type of art seemed to suggest that the artist had captured the spontaneous impression of nature. This along with the fact that one of Monet’s first paintings was entitled Impression: Sunrise, the press began to label Monet and his colleagues the impressionists. In the early 1870’s Monet and other Impressionists were in desperate need to sell some paintings so in 1874 they decided to appeal directly to the public and had the first of many Impressionist exhibitions. The shows lasted a month and although it drew a large crowd not many paintings were actually sold. As the years progressed so did Monet’s technique. By the mid-1880’s he had achieved much recognition and he was also, finally, financially secure. At the fourth impressionist exhibition in 1879, which took place in Paris, there was a huge turnout and for the time a profit was made. Although a profit had been made Monet decided not to d...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Effects of Cryotherapy in Relieving Post-arthroscopy Pain Essay
The Effects of Cryotherapy in Relieving Post-arthroscopy Pain - Essay Example This paper outlines that the study delved deeper into a 59 individuals got involved. The procedure was to administer Cryotherapy whereby, 33 persons were given while 26 used as a control group. Moreover, 10 minutes was the timespan made utility of in three separate counts, and the large number of the control group came from the weakness of the experiment. The application of the ice packing became key for application after recovering from the effects of anesthesia. The strength of the design was witnessed in the success of the objectives laid down. Using ice within a plastic bag enhanced the action of the Cryotherapy, and lessened levels of pain felt. Statistically, the levels reduced from 5-2 after the Cryotherapy process. The control group, on the other hand, recorded a decrease from 4-3. It proved the use of Cryotherapy in combination with ice to be an approach that is simple, tenable and less costly in achieving post arthroscopy pain. Right from educational level to service domain , the procedure needs embracing and regarded as a standard treatment protocol.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Impact of Nursing Shortage upon the Healthcare Industry Research Paper
The Impact of Nursing Shortage upon the Healthcare Industry - Research Paper Example Different studies were conducted in the past concerning the possible causes of the increasing shortage of nurses and the impact on the quality of health services provided to the patients. This research will intend to gather the opinions of nurses and doctors with respect to the surging pressure resulting from the declining numbers of nurses. It becomes evident that the number of nurses offering care to patients is declining over time for various reasons. Some of these reasons include low salaries accorded to nurses, and the increasing requirements of nursing practice. Other researchers have attributed the decline to the lack of favorable working conditions, the rising demands of aged people requiring health care, and availability of other career options. The research hopes to rely on data collected from 85 participants who will describe their opinions as answers to the questionnaires. For this research to be a success, there is the need for the researcher to determine specific method s that will be used in evaluating the data collected from filled-in online questionnaires. Data evaluation involves both the process of collection and that of analysis (Blunch, 2008). SPSS is one of the software products available in the market, which is critical in analyzing data from questionnaires. It has the potential to analyze and validate data from questionnaires, so it will be the data collection method used in this search. Since SPSS can analyze multivariate factors, it has a lot of validity as an effective tool in this research. I will expect data highlighting different factors, and I can rely on it to analyze the various responses from participants in my research. Reliability and validity. Three procedures in data evaluation will be used and include metadata preparation, data validation, and model preparation (Boswell & Cannon, 2011). The use of SPSS will offer a level of integration between validity and reliability as the tool helps the researcher analyze data effectivel y irrespective of how many variables exist. The SPSS software enables readers and other related parties to be certain of the undertaken research and gleaned information. Therefore, it is essentially a reliable and valid tool to deliver updated information concerning health issues and ascertaining the extent to which some of those issues may be hibernating to cause an unprecedented harm. The approach is reliable in aiding researchers to acquire certainty in medical and nursing procedures, thus ensuring validity of the accrued findings. It is a valid tool to guarantee accuracy and evidently proven researches. The essence is that the software diminishes any chances of perforation of information and data while enabling researchers to engage in advanced experiments to solve vital health issues. The coefficient values will be also calculated using SPSS. This explains why this tool will be of immense help in this research. The fact that SPSS can assist in performing all these tasks proves its reliability and validity. After data evaluation, the researcher will come up with graphical representations of the results and correlation values making it easy to draw conclusions (Polit & Beck, 2013). The software guarantees the safekeeping of data in different versions and ease in accessibility. Therefore, it is the most
Sourcebased Case Study NaziSoviet Pact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sourcebased Case Study NaziSoviet Pact - Essay Example The Source shows the successful mission of Stalin because it has been able to "spear" down Hitler finally to a good political maneuver. The wreath on Stalin's right hand suggest the death of the fascist forces with the subsequent death of Hitler and under the false pretence of the restorative pact (for Soviet Union) that shall keep communism thriving as the two instruments in Stalin's hand suggest. The source's accuracy is largely sarcastic and also quite beneficial in pointing out the reason behind the shocking pact between the two devils-the communist and the Fascist forces that threatened the West and the Capitalist countries. The source helps one to understand the apparently defunct and devious peace treaty that was signed which hid a deeper truth about a secret protocol that promised mutual shared power over countries like, Finland Estonia Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania and thus promised each other "territorial and political rearrangements". Source B begins with the line "Why did Britain and France help Hitler to achieve his aims" This line particularly helps one to answer the deep distrust within Soviet Union politicians and especially Stalin about the stance of the powerful Western countries like Britain and France. United-front here refers to anl alliances between the West and the Communist Soviet Union. While each member of this front stays independent, they work together while the Communists inside a united front would continue to promote a revolutionary platform. The disappointment voiced in the source has a history of Third Period policies that had led to the Nazi suppression of both the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party of Germany in 1933 after the policy did not allow joint action thus dividing and weakening the German left, thereby allowing the Nazis to win power. The same intention has been voiced here. The Source accuses Britain and France of committing the same mistake of allowing Hitler to ta ke advantage of the disagreements between the powerful nations. But the source does not state the reasons for Britain's fear for such a united front against Hitler. Both Soviet Union and Germany was a threat to the European countries. At that time the Communist International was committed to destroying capitalist governments throughout the world. British Trade Unionists were talking about setting up Workers' Councils and overthrowing Parliament. Soviet Union money helped the strikers in the General strike and coal miners during the coal strikes. Thus Soviet Union was paradoxically a greater threat than Hitler, just as Britain thought that Hitler was a bigger threat to Soviet Union than to the other nations. Infact Soviet Union was still shadowed by the totalitarian rule of Lenin and Hitler was the best weapon who could destroy Soviet Union with similar destructive powers. Hence, the West wanted the two countries to destroy each other. Again, Hitler's Germany as a welcome barrier to the spread of
Pfizer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pfizer - Essay Example This study reflects on the positive and negative impact that Pfizer Inc. has made to the society in which their business establishments have dealt with, either directly or indirectly. Through the establishment of company production units in the many countries of their market penetration, Pfizer Inc. has directly contributed to the welfare of the general population by way of offering employment. Local manpower is the easiest and readily available option to meet the workforce demands by the company. Provision of employment opportunities to thousands of people across the world has not only raised the living standards in the society but has also been a contributor to government revenue in form of income tax. People employed by the company can have their basic human rights met as well as those of their children since they are capable of providing school fees to their young ones (Werther Chandler, 2006, p27). Payment of corporate tax to the resident hosting countries is a major source of income for many governments. These taxes constitute a very useful source of income for many governments. Through the taxes, governments can raise money for servicing national debts, fund development projects as well as supply of important services to the country’s citizenry. Through government investor incentive strategy that aims at attracting more business and opening up the country for development, the local communities benefit from the services rendered by the government in support of this. Such strategies include commitment to provide adequate security in the country to facilitate the operations of the companies. In Werther Chandler (2006, p82) other services include transport network improvement and maintenance and energy supply whose delivery in support of investment attraction also benefits the residents as cited by. Most importantly, the manner in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project Management - Essay Example The project is to launch a new product, a multiple container system that requires minimal cabinet storage space in the consumer’s home, within nine months from now. The product is more described in greater detail as similar to a competitor's product but will have significantly more features. As reported, this product will open new markets for the sales channel, lay the foundation for add-on products, and generate new revenue. The objective therefore is for sales and marketing personnel to make the necessary preparations in terms of designing appropriate marketing strategies encompassing the 4Ps: product, pricing, place and promotions to be used for the launching of the new product. This research aims to evaluate and present such deliverables: 1. Sales Team 1.1 Generate sales forecasts 1.2 Set price for the new product 1.3 Familiarize the team with potential add-on products 1.4 Identify potential customers within sales boundaries 1.5 Conduct sales force education and orientation for the new product 1.6 Synchronize time schedule of designing strategies with manufacturing and marketing team 2. Marketing Team 2.1 Design advertisements and promotional campaign for the new product 2.2 Identify strategic markets 2.3 Monitor prospective competitors’ response to the new product 2.4 Provide all crucial marketing materials (brochures, product specifications and features, packaging) 2.5 Determine schedules for home sales events to launch the new product 2.6 Synchronize time schedule of identified activities with manufacturing and sales team.
The origin of humans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The origin of humans - Coursework Example Contrary to the argument, genes are not transferable to other species hence different species poses different appearance. There is a great confusion since appearance can be helpful in species identification, hence disregarding the biological definition (Lewin, 2005). The evolution of man contrasts the biological definition of species in the aspect of appearance. The successful interbreeding of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis biologically denotes them to belong to the same species biologically (Lewin, 2005). Neanderthals are closest relatives of Homo sapiens but belong to different species. Their evolutionary trace is in Asian and Europe while Homo sapiens fossils are in Africa. They concur in appearance but form different species hence more confusion when dating the human evolution. Strict biological definition concentrates on testing and stating theories for biodiversity measurement through taxonomy family levels. It has broad scale consideration but various implications. In consideration of species definition, it becomes difficult to assign the correct taxonomic rankings for the fossil study (Sober, 1994). The challenge is that, most living species interbreeding documentation is imperative since past fossils can no longer mate although the need for dating human evolution and origin is still
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Pfizer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pfizer - Essay Example This study reflects on the positive and negative impact that Pfizer Inc. has made to the society in which their business establishments have dealt with, either directly or indirectly. Through the establishment of company production units in the many countries of their market penetration, Pfizer Inc. has directly contributed to the welfare of the general population by way of offering employment. Local manpower is the easiest and readily available option to meet the workforce demands by the company. Provision of employment opportunities to thousands of people across the world has not only raised the living standards in the society but has also been a contributor to government revenue in form of income tax. People employed by the company can have their basic human rights met as well as those of their children since they are capable of providing school fees to their young ones (Werther Chandler, 2006, p27). Payment of corporate tax to the resident hosting countries is a major source of income for many governments. These taxes constitute a very useful source of income for many governments. Through the taxes, governments can raise money for servicing national debts, fund development projects as well as supply of important services to the country’s citizenry. Through government investor incentive strategy that aims at attracting more business and opening up the country for development, the local communities benefit from the services rendered by the government in support of this. Such strategies include commitment to provide adequate security in the country to facilitate the operations of the companies. In Werther Chandler (2006, p82) other services include transport network improvement and maintenance and energy supply whose delivery in support of investment attraction also benefits the residents as cited by. Most importantly, the manner in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The origin of humans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The origin of humans - Coursework Example Contrary to the argument, genes are not transferable to other species hence different species poses different appearance. There is a great confusion since appearance can be helpful in species identification, hence disregarding the biological definition (Lewin, 2005). The evolution of man contrasts the biological definition of species in the aspect of appearance. The successful interbreeding of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis biologically denotes them to belong to the same species biologically (Lewin, 2005). Neanderthals are closest relatives of Homo sapiens but belong to different species. Their evolutionary trace is in Asian and Europe while Homo sapiens fossils are in Africa. They concur in appearance but form different species hence more confusion when dating the human evolution. Strict biological definition concentrates on testing and stating theories for biodiversity measurement through taxonomy family levels. It has broad scale consideration but various implications. In consideration of species definition, it becomes difficult to assign the correct taxonomic rankings for the fossil study (Sober, 1994). The challenge is that, most living species interbreeding documentation is imperative since past fossils can no longer mate although the need for dating human evolution and origin is still
Becoming Conscious Essay Example for Free
Becoming Conscious Essay One of the common applications of dream analysis in psychotherapy has been ‘dream analysis’ or ‘dream work’. Psychiatrists and psychologists are having evidence that dream analysis can help to determine if the individual has experienced a traumatic event during the early childhood period. A study was conducted by Mazzoni et al (1999) to determine if dream analysis could help in studying the mental state of the individual. They found that individuals, who have denied experiencing a traumatic event during early childhood, were more confident that such an event occurred following performance of dream analysis. From primary experimentation with dream analysis, it is suggested that this could be utilized in clinical settings (Mazzoni. 1999, Paul Brians, 1998). In the past, the clinical psychologists have tried to use dream analysis to varying extents. Sigmund Freud found that dream analysis could be an open access to the unconscious mind. Any traumatic event that is experienced in the past would be having an effect on the unconscious, and a thorough analysis of a dream could help to determine if the individual has experienced any traumatic event in the past. Psychoanalysis is one of the techniques in psychiatry in which the unconscious mind is studied in order to diagnose the mental state and to treat any disorder, which may exist. Psychoanalysis has been understood by scientists throughout the world and is frequently utilized in various clinical settings. Psychiatrists feel that any emotion that lies repressed would be expressed in various manners in dreams. A link exists during sleep with the unconscious. As this link is open, the most traumatizing memories would surface up and be expressed in the form of dreams. Some of the most common type of memories that are likely to be expressed during dreams includes those of sexual abuse, physical abuse, etc. Sigmund Freud compared dreams to the music made by an artist (the unconscious self) who awakens after another artist (the individual conscious self) sleeps. Sigmund Freud was even sure that dreams could provide an answer to several queries that existed about the individual. Dreams often meant a wish fulfillment or a fear fulfillment. It could even suggest a response, reaction, reflex or a reproduction of memory. Every dream may not mean the same thing. Many people experience what is called as ‘anxiety dreams’. This often occurs due to the very content and nature of the dream. This may be similar to the anxiety that exists during a phobia. However, it is also important to differentiate the anxiety that exists from a phobia and a dream. For example, in a phobia, an individual may fear heights and not go near the edge of a terrace. However, in a dream the individual may find himself/herself near the edge of the terrace and experience anxiety. The anxiety from both these situations are from different sources. Freud felt dream anxiety is more often related to neurotic anxiety, often arising from the urge of fulfilling sexual desires. Frequently, the sexual desires of the individuals get transformed and express itself as anxiety situations in a dream (Mazzoni. 1999, Paul Brians, 1998). Dream analysis has various clinical applications. An individual may develop some kind of mal-adaptation to a traumatic event in life. A psychiatrist may not even be able to understand the cause of the mental condition, as the individual would have developed certain mal-adaptations, false beliefs, etc, with the event. During the dream analysis, the participants provided the dream and the brief reaction following the dream. The psychologist could also work on the behaviors, feelings and the thoughts that developed following the dream. Many individuals experience dreams of what events have occurred in their lives. For example, dreams of sexual attacks may actually suggest that the individual may have been sexually attacked in the past (Mazzoni. 1999, Paul Brians, 1998). References: G. A. Mazzoni, P. Lombardo, S. Malvagia et al. â€Å"Dream Interpretation and False Beliefs. †Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 30. 1 (1999): 45-50. http://faculty. washington. edu/eloftus/Articles/mazz. htm Paul Brians. Reading About the World, Volume 2, Third edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishing, 1998.
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Taxonomy Of Distributed Systems Information Technology Essay
A Taxonomy Of Distributed Systems Information Technology Essay The improvement technology nowadays and as the users of Internet grows extremendously, it has reached a point where the potential benefit of very large scale results distributed application more apparent than ever. Opportunities are emerging to develop large systems that cater to highly dynamic and mobile sets of participants, who desire to interact with each other and stores of online content in a robust manner. These opportunities will inevitably dictate a substantial body of research in the years to follow. Although applications intended to function at this scale have recently begun to appear, there remain a broad set of several issues that must be faced before this emerging class of distributed system can become a reality. One of the current issues in the distributes system is open problem based on taxonomy. 1. Introduction Distributed systems research has historically avoided many hard problems through the carefully calculated use of operating constraints. Scalable resource clusters are assumed to be tucked away in protected facilities and connected by reliable infrastructure [1]. Large systems are assumed to have cooperating nuclei of administrative organizations that do not fail [2]. In peer environments, participants are assumed to behave fairly instead of leaching resources [3]. As the specifications of these systems grow to require operation at a massive scale with highly distributed administration, these assumptions will be strongly challenged as a means of providing useful systems. In short, distributed systems research is quickly approaching a point at which many hard problems cannot be avoided any longer. Prior to embarking on the construction of a large-scale distributed operating system, we felt that it would be useful to survey the landscape of problems that will be faced in the constructio n of this class of system. This paper is a summary of open problem based on taxonomy that must be addressed in order for successful systems of this caliber to be realized. To describe the domain of existing and future distributed systems, we have to design a taxonomy. This model is a two-dimensional space whose axes define the concurrency and conflict of resource access, and the degree of distribution and mobility of resources within the system. From this model, we draw four phyla of application that is point-to-point, multiplexed, fragmented, and peer-to-peer. This last phylum defines our target domain and we apply lessons learned from the other three groups to it. Through our taxonomy, we describe a set of architectural systems problems that must be addressed. 2. A Taxonomy of Distributed Systems We will describe four phyla of distributed systems in a continuous space along two axes. The axe which is access concurrency and resource distribution is a stem from an examination of the evolution of distributed applications. Access concurrency considers the number of simultaneous accesses to a resource and the degree of conflict between these accesses. Access concurrency problems occur as researchers began to move towards time sharing on mainframes. Resource distribution represents how broadly a system is spread across a network infrastructure. Individually, each of these axes represents a steadily increasing gradient of complexity within system architecture. It is in the cases where both axes have high degree that system complexity explodes. Indeed, distributed applications seem to all reside very close to the axes in our models. This observation suggests that there must be some limiting factors that exist, inhibiting the development of complex systems. We now consider the two axe s and four phyla of systems individually. 2.1 Access Concurrency Access concurrency originated with the desire to allow users to share the resources of original mainframe computers. Concurrency mechanisms allow clients to share a resource while preserving the state of that resource during simultaneous accesses. It is worth nothing that without a requirement to avoid conflict, concurrency mechanisms need only act as stateless request multiplexers. Although there are complexity issues in simple multiplexing at the Internet scale, it is conflict avoidance that makes access concurrency especially hard. In order to avoid conflicts between concurrent accesses, extra mechanisms must be put in place. These mechanisms add overhead and complexity to the system. Mechanisms to support access concurrency involve tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness. Concurrency control techniques that are very efficient is aim to allow the highest possible amount of simultaneous access, but may do so at the cost of poorly preserving resource state or unfairly schedul ing this access. Techniques that are optimized for effectiveness protect resource state, but may do so by severely limiting concurrency of access. As an example, consider the locking of files to preserve consistency in concurrent systems. Pessimistic locking is most effective at preserving state, but results in a complete loss of concurrency whenever the file is locked for writing. Optimistic locking allows a higher degree of concurrency, but may perform worse in a high state of conflict as many transactions must be aborted. Conflicts may simply be flagged and left for a separate mechanism to resolve later. It is usually happen in the extreme case of efficient concurrency. This is how inconsistencies are addressed after a disconnection in distributed file systems such as Coda. Similar analogies for access concurrency exist with respect to other resources such as process scheduling and memory protection. In this emerging class of large distributed systems, the issue is that a high de gree of concurrency within a system demands efficiency, while individual users will expect effective consistency preservation. Measures, such as conflict resolution, have not been well explored. It is a non-trivial problem to automatically resolve conflicts on information that does not have a high degree of structure, such as files and ad hoc databases (i.e. the Windows registry). Additionally, there exist a set of resources for which resolution may not be appropriate after the fact, and large scale active conflict avoidance is a necessity. 2.2 Resource Distribution Resource distribution describes the degree to which a system has been spread across a network, and how dynamic resources are within it. Even the smallest degree of resource distribution mandates a substantial amount of overhead within a system. Consider the difference between accesses to a local file versus a remote file service such as NFS. Both cases contain all of the complexity involved in reading a file from disk; however the remote access has the additional responsibilities of locating the service, marshalling data in and out of message structures, interacting across the network, and handling a considerably larger set of potential error cases. Transparency, a hallmark goal of distributed systems only obfuscates this problem by concealing the details of distribution. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) mechanisms, which were intended to simplify application development is forced distribution to be implemented deep within the system. This occurs directly in many of the problems traditio nally associated with distributed systems such as fragility and inflexibility. The troubling aspect in this line of consideration is that these issues indicate a fundamental flaw at the very onset of approaches to distribution. RPC will only provide one degree of distribution, by passing a call to a single remote host. We have only just entered the arena of distributed systems, and already complexity is overbearing with RPC. A larger problem exists in their distribution by assuming that resources can be accessed in an expressive and reliable manner. In order to access resources, it must be possible to first locate them. Moreover, mechanisms must exist to find them in an ongoing manner if the resources are not static within a system. For instance, the location of a resource may have to be determined through a directory service and refreshed with each successive access. In very large scale or highly dynamic systems, a centralized service may not be sufficient to track resource locatio n and other methods, such as forwarding pointers [4], may have to be employed. Distribution equates almost exactly to extra mechanism, and therefore complexity, within a system. The larger and more distributed a system becomes, the more mechanism will be required to locate, track, and access objects within it. 2.3 Four Phyla of Distributed Applications From the two axes described above, we draw four phyla of distributed applications, shown in Figure 2.3. Note that the respective sizes of these domains are by no means equal, we represent this division as it is for simplicity. What follows is a very brief presentation of each of the four classes. In each case, we supply an example of the phylum to demonstrate its characteristics. We also try to identify weaknesses that exist within the domain that may not be acceptable within more advanced systems. Figure 2.3 : Taxonomy of Distributed Application 2.3.1 Point-to-point The point-to-point phylum represents a very simple set of applications in which a client connects to a resource for un-shared access. Point-to-point examples exist primarily as components of more complex applications, for instance the data channel of an FTP session is point-to-point, in that all of the associated resources are allocated at both ends of the connection at the beginning of a transfer. We would also consider simple RPC to be primarily a point-to-point application, provided that the RPC server handles a single request at a time. Point-to-point applications are characterized by the fact that the distribution aspects of the system are typically quite visible. For example when failure does occur it can be identified and resolved primitively by the user. If an FTP server does not respond or crashes during a transfer, the user can attempt a connection somewhere else. Regarding to this problem it is clearly shows that this is not a good system property; however it is generally tolerable within the domain of simple applications. 2.3.2 Multiplexed Multiplexed applications are those in which resources are delivered with a high degree of concurrency, and possibly conflict control, over a relatively small scale of distribution. We can take file and web server as an excellent examples. It is because they provide a set of centralized resources to large number of concurrent users. Figure 2.3.2 show us the taxonomy of web server. Note that in our model, both file and web servers have a high degree of access concurrency, but are still barely distributed. This is because users typically need only connect to a single point to access resources. There are more distributed examples of multiplexed applications which are distributed striped file systems and scalable data structures [5]. In both of these cases, users may still connect to a single resource, but that resource may forward requests through an additional link to an appropriate secondary server. The risk of failure is more significant in multiplexed systems because failure has the potential to affect a much larger number of users on the resource provision side. A very large multiplexed service is often served by specialized hosting facilities where a very high degree of resource reliability may be assumed. It is commonly used to mitigate those problems. Further precautions may involve the installation of redundant resources that take over in the rare case of system failure. Figure 2.3.2: Taxonomy of web server 2.3.3 Fragmented Resource Fragmented systems are those in which resources are spread across, or move within, a set of connected endpoints. Communication is substantially more complex in these systems as messages may not travel directly to a resource, but instead may lead to a cascade of interactions across the system. Existing fragmented systems, such as the domain name service (DNS), are frequently structured as a hierarchy of coupled administrative domains. Note that there do not have many examples of highly fragmented systems. Considered as a whole, the global DNS database is fragmented across a considerable number of hosts. However this is doubtlessly orders of magnitude smaller than the scope desired by advocates of universal Internet-scale directory services, such as LDAP, which have yet to see broad acceptance within the network. The distribution of administration presents a difficulty within the ongoing provision of fragmented systems. In a centralized resource, a single administrative body is capable of quickly affecting changes across the scope of a system. In a fragmented resource, issues arise in how changes should be applied and who is allowed to do them. In the case of DNS, updates must frequently be submitted to human administrators, who authenticate and apply changes by hand. In existing systems this is an acceptable property, DNS lookups are handled with an acceptable degree of expedience, and the frequency of change is small enough typically to be handled off-line. This is not, however, an approach that provides a high degree of scalability. 2.3.4 Peer to peer The client-server model assumes that certain machines are better suited for providing certain services. For instance, a file server may be a system with a large amount of disk space and backup facilities. A peer-to-peer model (Figure 2.3.4) assumes that each machine has somewhat equivalent capabilities, that no machine is dedicated to serving others. An example of this is a collection of PCs in a small office or home. Networking allows people to access each otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s files and send email but no machine is relegated to a specific set of services. Peer to peer applications are highly distributed and involve a high degree of potentially conflicting, concurrent access to resources. This is a fairly hypothetical description, as very few such applications currently exist at the Internet scale. Peer-based file sharing applications, such as Gnutella [6], are initial steps within this domain but only begin to enter the phylum. Gnutella does not need to address any conflict issues, nor has it proven able to scale. In this class of application, the acceptable weaknesses within the other phyla compound and cannot be avoided. Failure has a high potential impact, but resources cannot be protected. Administration is distributed and the coupling between administrative domains may become much more dynamic. We discuss these issues more extensively in the next section. Figure 2.3.4 3. Conclusion The purpose of this paper has been to identify open problem based on taxonomy that necessarily must be addressed in order to develop advanced, Internet-scale distributed systems. Regarding to the explanations above, we can highlight that the open problem in taxonomy that contains in access concurrency and resource distribution. We also must consider the four phyla of distributed system; point-to-point, multiplexed, fragmented resource and peer to peer to identify weaknesses that exist within the domain that may not be acceptable within more advanced systems. Projects to develop environments for ubiquitous, invisible, and pervasive distributed applications have, and continue to be, very exciting research that will need to address many of these issues in order to realize their visions.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Summary of Walden Pond :: essays papers
Summary of Walden Pond For about the first half of the book Thoreau questions the lifestyles that people choose. He makes his readers wonder if they have chosen the kind of life that will really offer them happiness. Are they merely living a career or some other narrowly focused routine or is a worthwhile life being lived. Thoreau wonders if the truly valuable elements of life are being taken advantage of if a person isn't living simply. If a person is so caught up in working or never having enough then life, its wonders, and satisfaction are difficult to obtain. As he states in the beginning (pg4), "most men even in this comparatively free country, though mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that is finer fruits cannot be plucked by them." This to me means that people care more about the fine things in life and easier work instead of nature's gifts and hard work. Thoreau draws a parallel between others preoccupation wit! h money and his own enjoyment of non-monetary wealth. Thoreau's statement " A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to leave alone" means that rich refers to having the opportunity for spiritual and intellectual gains and afford refers to the self-actualization rather than to cash in the bank. Those are just some of the materialistic terms that Thoreau uses to refer to non-materialist values, making fun of the capitalist in the process. Thoreau uses the opportunity of the first chapter to discuss the issue of how we spend our time and energies. It is obvious that his townspeople are not as economical as they spend many hours working very hard to accomplish very little, showing a false sense of economy. Thoreau believed that all attempts to redeem mankind from its problems were useless unless such attempts began with the person. The individual person had to stop thinking more about the lesson nature had to offer. Thoreau thought that by living simply with few needs or material possessions man would have more time to enjoy life to its fullest natural potential. In the other chapters of the book Thoreau goes on to tell about his experiences with nature while living on Walden Pond. The bean field which he grew, and put so much work into. He did not know himself what the meaning was of planting the garden only that he felt self-respect from doing so. They "attached him to the earth." And he got strength from it.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Notion of a Double in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Essay
The Notion of a Double in Wuthering Heights Brontë's Wuthering Heights is the captivating tale of two families and the relationships that develop between them. The narrator, Mr. Lockwood, relates the story as told to him by Ellen, the housekeeper. The novel contains an excellent illustration of the doppel-ganger, the notion of a double. Generally, this concept is applied to specific characters, as in Poe's William Wilson. However, the concept appears in Wuthering Heights in two different ways. The doppel-ganger is illustrated in the story of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff in relation to that of Cathy Linton and Hareton Earnshaw, but it is also present in the relationship between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff as individuals. In Wuthering Heights, it is almost as if the story of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff is repeated through Cathy Linton and Hareton Earnshaw. There are some discernible differences between these two relationships, but the general outline of the stories share some striking similarities. For example, Heathcliff could not be with Catherine Earnshaw because her brother, Hindley, had reduced him to the status of a brute. After Mr. Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff was treated like a servant instead of a member of the family. Later in the story, Heathcliff does the same thing to Hareton, Hindley's son, but in a subtle way that prevents any animosity on Hareton's part. Hindley loses everything that would have been Hareton's inheritance, leaving Hareton with nothing. Heathcliff takes advantage of the situation and Hindley's wealth is inevitably turned over to Heathcliff. Heathcliff sees p... ...his funerary plans with Nelly, he says, "I have nearly attained my heaven," meaning that his idea of heaven is to be reunited with Catherine in death. Shortly thereafter, Heathcliff dies alone in a chamber. The story of the Earnshaws and the Lintons follows many twists and turns. By the end, Cathy and Hareton get a chance at the happiness Catherine and Heathcliff never experienced in life. Brontë's novel is multifaceted and, at times, the reader must struggle to keep up with the story. It can be difficult to perceive the underlying notions going on in the book. Still, there are many details that indicate the doppel-ganger is present not only in the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff compared to that of Cathy and Hareton, but also in the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff alone.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Multimedia Courseware Shell Proposal Essay
A new experimental degree program, the Bachelor of Applied Business Program (BAB), was launched Spring Quarter 1994 by Continuing Education and Extension. BAB is a practitioners’ degree for the working adult student. The emphasis in the program is on learning skills and accessing information to apply to solving practical workplace problems in a rapidly changing business world. The program was developed with substantial involvement of the Inver Hills Community College, the business community in the Twin Cities area, and the University of Minnesota’s Continuing Education and Extension (CEE) unit. This is the first degree program offered by CEE, andâ€â€if successfulâ€â€it will serve as a model for redefining â€Å"outreach†in the urban corridor to fulfill part of the land grant mission of the University of Minnesota. We are currently in the process of developing the course materials and selecting faculty to teach in the program for Fall Quarter 1994. Note that the three distinguishing features of the BAB program include a number of technical features, graphic elements, or applications that could be significantly enhanced by multimedia courseware: †¢ Courses are being designed with substantial involvement of area businesses to give students â€Å"hands on†experience, including leading and participating in group work; skills for managing upward and downward business relationships; storing, accessing, and retrieving information; creating and implementing budgets, operations flowcharts, schedules, and staffing plans. †¢ Learning outcomes will be specified for each course and applications-related competencies will be integrated into courses across the curriculum. These will include emphases on writing, speaking, and visual communication; using technology and information management techniques, engaging in applied problem-solving and critical thinking skills, working in teams, quality in the workplace, ethics, and the dynamics and management of a diverse workforce. †¢ Practicum/project work will also be an important aspect of the BAB curriculum and students will be encouraged to develop and maintain a portfolio of their coursework and practical experiences which can later be used as evidence of the competencies that they have developed. Our business partners stressed that the BAB upper division courses must be applied and skills-oriented, making use of interactive learning modules that model actual workplace situations. Moreover, the courses must integrate both medium and message into a fast-paced, electronically connected, multimedia learning environment that requires that students take the initiative and work on real projects with limited supervision. Project Description Under an earlier MinneMac grant the principal investigator, Elizabeth Michaels, collaborated with Deborah Henderson and Ann Douglas to create WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum), a courseware shell, for delivering instruction in writing, pharmacy, and business courses. This shell has been used extensively in the English Department since 1990, at Grace High School since 1991, and for the past two years, in five Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The major shortcomings of WAC are its lack of graphics or visual capabilities and its lack of integration with other software packages. However, if we could integrate the basic principles of text delivery that we have already developed in WAC with the capabilities of the PowerMac 7100â€â€specifically with its AV Video, CD-ROM, and color display, we could develop a powerful multimedia component that will teach students how to manage a business â€Å"from their desktops.†Moreover, by linking to other programs, like Microsoft Projectâ„ ¢, Excelâ„ ¢, or Directorâ„ ¢, we can create a multi-functional learning tool that can be used in labs and for distance learning throughout Minnesota. The multimedia courseware shell we propose to develop will provide an innovative and easily updated method of delivering timely, practical, high quality business courses to working adults. The PowerMac 7100 which we are requesting will be used initially by the multimedia courseware development team: Elizabeth Michaels, Principal Investigator (English); Mr. Pat Lingren, Program Director (CEE); and our project consultant, William Rudel (Carlson School of Management). After the courseware has been developed and alpha tested, faculty designing the target courses will be trained in the use of the courseware shell to develop their own multimedia course modules. The project we propose, therefore, is to design an interactive, multimedia courseware shell, initially for four key courses in the curriculum. The BAB MultiMedia Courseware shell (BAB-MMC) will enable us (1) to develop multimedia case studies and (2) to create course materials which will enable students to integrate various project planning, database, spreadsheet, business graphics, and electronic mail packages with textual information in their classes. The BAB-MMC will serve two purposes: as a training tool for innovative and experimental curriculum development for BAB faculty and as a teaching/learning tool for BAB students. The following is a description of the four courses and how we will use the BAB-MMC in each of them. 1. Planning and Implementing at the Business Unit Level (4 cr.) This course focuses on creating and implementing plans such as operations flowcharts, budgets, schedules, and staffing plans at the business unit level. The BAB-MMC will integrate these flowcharts, budgets, schedules, and staffing plans as well as the presentational software for creating written and oral briefings for presenting, monitoring, and revising these plans. It will also contain strategic planning instruction and forecasting techniques. Moreover, the course will make use of multimedia case studies to give students practice in solving real logistics and planning problems. 2. Project Management in Practice (4 cr.) This course has two objectives: (1) to teach students about project management and the various tools and techniques available to the project lead in such areas as scheduling, coordinating, allocating resources, and monitoring project activities; and (2) to provide students with the opportunity to carry out a field project and put the tools of project management into practice. These projects will be carried out in teams whenever possible. The BAB-MMC will integrate into the course a number of the abovementioned project management tools which will then be used by the students in recording and reporting on their field experiences. The students will also communicate electronically with the instructor and regularly post messages to a class bulletin board as a means of communicating progress and requesting help with problems. 3. Accessing and Using Information Effectively (4 cr.) This course begins with a conceptualization of the role of information in business operations including information systems and data management. The BAB-MMC will serve as a tool for developing short case studies and exercises, which include data-based, text-based, oral, written, and multimedia elements. Students will learn to access external information for the firm through library resources, information search services, CD-ROMs, and periodicals and internal information through desktop database systems, e-mail, or computer conferencing. 4. Practicum (4 cr.) Two of the three forms the practicum could take are (1) to develop a business plan for a new venture or (2) to complete a portfolio of projects which demonstrate transferable skills from previous courses or fieldwork. The BAB-MMC will take the current course materials that we have developed for the business plan and convert them into self-study units which will integrate spreadsheet, cash flow analysis, financial analysis, and graphics packages capable of creating organizational charts and other business graphics to enhance and simplify the preparation of a complete business plan and its pro formas. The third form a practicum could take is a supervised project at the student’s workplace or at another location. For this option, the BAB-MMC will set up a course Website where the students report electronically to the instructor and other students. This will minimize the need for site visits and enable one professor to manage and respond to the individual need s of six to eight students who are enrolled in the practicum in any quarter more efficiently. Evaluation The BAB-MMC will be evaluated by the developers conducting user testing on the shell and sample modules and by instructors developing modules for their courses to determine its ease of use and effectiveness as a classroom tool. Students will be asked to evaluate the BAB-MMC as part of their regular course evaluations at the end of each quarter. We will also have two representatives of the Digital Media Center conduct an independent evaluation of the multimedia courseware shell as a teaching/learning tool. Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected.
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