Saturday, August 31, 2019
Data Preprocessing Essay
Data Preprocessing 3 Today’s real-world databases are highly susceptible to noisy, missing, and inconsistent data due to their typically huge size (often several gigabytes or more) and their likely origin from multiple, heterogenous sources. Low-quality data will lead to low-quality mining results. â€Å"How can the data be preprocessed in order to help improve the quality of the data and, consequently, of the mining results? How can the data be preprocessed so as to improve the ef? ciency and ease of the mining process? †There are several data preprocessing techniques. Data cleaning can be applied to remove noise and correct inconsistencies in data. Data integration merges data from multiple sources into a coherent data store such as a data warehouse. Data reduction can reduce data size by, for instance, aggregating, eliminating redundant features, or clustering. Data transformations (e. g. , normalization) may be applied, where data are scaled to fall within a smaller range like 0. 0 to 1. 0. This can improve the accuracy and ef? ciency of mining algorithms involving distance measurements. These techniques are not mutually exclusive; they may work together. For example, data cleaning can involve transformations to correct wrong data, such as by transforming all entries for a date ? eld to a common format. In Chapter 2, we learned about the different attribute types and how to use basic statistical descriptions to study data characteristics. These can help identify erroneous values and outliers, which will be useful in the data cleaning and integration steps. Data processing techniques, when applied before mining, can substantially improve the overall quality of the patterns mined and/or the time required for the actual mining.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Poetical inspiration Essay
Betjeman writes about a variety of places for example rural, urban, seaside etcetera. The two poems I have chosen are Slough and Middlesex. In contrast to Slough, Middlesex is more of a gentler poem, which evokes Betjeman’s memories of how rural Middlesex used to be. Betjeman has no memories of Slough but knows he detests it. In Slough Betjeman describe show fake the city is. In Middlesex he tries recollect his memories of the village. Slough seems to keep its rhythm throughout the poem where as in Middlesex the rhythm is fast but then slows down half way through. One can clearly see that Betjeman does not like Slough as he says in the first line, ‘Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough It isn’t fit for humans now,’ ‘Friendly bombs’ is definitely a contrast because bombs cannot be friendly. In this case the bombs are friendly because according to Betjeman Slough deserves to be bombed because it is so awful. The verse has a jaunty rhythm. Slough is not worth saving. One can clearly see his hatred for Slough in the first verse. He wants the bombs to blow up Slough so there is nothing left mostly because of all the canteens, which serve tinned foods. In the next verse, Betjeman is saying that we are becoming artificial because we are eating artificial food; there is no more fresh food to be eaten. One can see this view in the next verse: ‘Come, bombs, and blow to smithereens Those air-conditioned, bright canteens Tinned fruit†¦ Tinned minds, tinned breath. ‘ He now has gone from talking about the town and now talks about the food sold in the city, how that’s changed from being natural to tinned which is the new ‘now’ food. One can almost feel Betjeman’s anger because Slough has changed into such a depressing town. He makes the point that it should be bombed because it is so awful. In the fourth and fifth verses Betjeman talks about how much he hates capitalists, how they always cheat and win. One can tell this as he describes the man as repulsive. He then wants them to suffer as they cause so much pain to women as said in the fourth verse: ‘†¦ Washes his repulsive skin In women’s tears,’ He wants the bombs to fall on them and make them experience pain instead of the women one can see this because he says in the fifth verse: ‘†¦ And smash his hands so used to stroke†¦ And make him yell. ‘
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Barack Obama - Oval Office Speech to the Nation on BP Oil Spill Disaster
Barack Obama Oval Office Address to the Nation on BP Oil Spill Disaster delivered 15 June 2010, Washington, D.C. Good evening. As we speak, our nation faces a multitude of challenges. At home, our top priority is to recover and rebuild from a recession that has touched the lives of nearly every American. Abroad, our brave men and women in uniform are taking the fight to al Qaeda wherever it exists. And tonight, I’ve returned from a trip to the Gulf Coast to speak with you about the battle we’re waging against an oil spill that is assaulting our shores and our citizens. On April 20th, an explosion ripped through BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, about 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana. Eleven workers lost their lives. Seventeen others were injured. And soon, nearly a mile beneath the surface of the ocean, oil began spewing into the water. Because there has never been a leak this size at this depth, stopping it has tested the limits of human technology. That’s why just after the rig sank, I assembled a team of our nation’s best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge a team led by Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and our nation’s Secretary of Energy. Scientists at our national labs and experts from academia and other oil companies have also provided ideas and advice. As a result of these efforts, we’ve directed BP to mobilize additional equipment and technology. And in the coming weeks and days, these efforts should capture up to 90 percent of the oil leaking out of the well. This is until the company finishes drilling a relief well later in the summer that’s expected to stop the leak completely. Already, this oil spill is the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced. And unlike an earthquake or a hurricane, it’s not a single event that does its damage in a matter of minutes or days. The millions of gallons of oil that have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico are more like an epidemic, one that we will be fighting for months and even years. But make no mistake: We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes. We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused. And we will do whatever’s necessary to help the Gulf Coast and its people recover from this tragedy. Tonight I’d like to lay out for you what our battle plan is going forward: what we’re doing to clean up the oil, what we’re doing to help our neighbors in the Gulf, and what we’re doing to make sure that a catastrophe like this never happens again. First, the cleanup. From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge of the largest environmental cleanup effort in our nation’s history an effort led by Admiral Thad Allen, who has almost 40 years of experience responding to disasters. We now have nearly 30,000 personnel who are working across four states to contain and clean up the oil. Thousands of ships and other vessels are responding in the Gulf. And I’ve authorized the deployment of over 17,000 National Guard members along the coast. These servicemen and women are ready to help stop the oil from coming ashore, they’re ready to help clean the beaches, train response workers, or even help with processing claims and I urge the governors in the affected states to activate these troops as soon as possible. Because of our efforts, millions of gallons of oil have already been removed from the water through burning, skimming and other collection methods. Over five and a half million feet of boom has been laid across the water to block and absorb the approaching oil. We’ve approved the construction of new barrier islands in Louisiana to try to stop the oil before it reaches the shore, and we’re working with Alabama, Mississippi and Florida to implement creative approaches to their unique coastlines. As the cleanup continues, we will offer whatever additional resources and assistance our coastal states may need. Now, a mobilization of this speed and magnitude will never be perfect, and new challenges will always arise. I saw and heard evidence of that during this trip. So if something isn’t working, we want to hear about it. If there are problems in the operation, we will fix them. But we have to recognize that despite our best efforts, oil has already caused damage to our coastline and its wildlife. And sadly, no matter how effective our response is, there will be more oil and more damage before this siege is done. That’s why the second thing we’re focused on is the recovery and restoration of the Gulf Coast. You know, for generations, men and women who call this region home have made their living from the water. That living is now in jeopardy. I’ve talked to shrimpers and fishermen who don’t know how they’re going to support their families this year. I’ve seen empty docks and restaurants with fewer customers even in areas where the beaches are not yet affected. I’ve talked to owners of shops and hotels who wonder when the tourists might start coming back. The sadness and the anger they feel is not just about the money they’ve lost. It’s about a wrenching anxiety that their way of life may be lost. I refuse to let that happen. Tomorrow, I will meet with the chairman of BP and inform him that he is to set aside whatever resources are required to compensate the workers and business owners who have been harmed as a result of his company’s recklessness. And this fund will not be controlled by BP. In order to ensure that all legitimate claims are paid out in a fair and timely manner, the account must and will be administered by an independent third party. Beyond compensating the people of the Gulf in the short term, it’s also clear we need a long-term plan to restore the unique beauty and bounty of this region. The oil spill represents just the latest blow to a place that’s already suffered multiple economic disasters and decades of environmental degradation that has led to disappearing wetlands and habitats. And the region still hasn’t recovered from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. That’s why we must make a commitment to the Gulf Coast that goes beyond responding to the crisis of the moment. I make that commitment tonight. Earlier, I asked Ray Mabus, the Secretary of the Navy, who is also a former governor of Mississippi and a son of the Gulf Coast, to develop a long-term Gulf Coast Restoration Plan as soon as possible. The plan will be designed by states, local communities, tribes, fishermen, businesses, conservationists and other Gulf residents. And BP will pay for the impact this spill has had on the region. The third part of our response plan is the steps we’re taking to ensure that a disaster like this does not happen again. A few months ago, I approved a proposal to consider new, limited offshore drilling under the assurance that it would be absolutely safe that the proper technology would be in place and the necessary precautions would be taken. That obviously was not the case in the Deepwater Horizon rig, and I want to know why. The American people deserve to know why. The families I met with last week who lost their loved ones in the explosion these families deserve to know why. And so I’ve established a National Commission to understand the causes of this disaster and offer recommendations on what additional safety and environmental standards we need to put in place. Already, I’ve issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling. I know this creates difficulty for the people who work on these rigs, but for the sake of their safety, and for the sake of the entire region, we need to know the facts before we allow deepwater drilling to continue. And while I urge the Commission to complete its work as quickly as possible, I expect them to do that work thoroughly and impartially. One place we’ve already begun to take action is at the agency in charge of regulating drilling and issuing permits, known as the Minerals Management Service. Over the last decade, this agency has become emblematic of a failed philosophy that views all regulation with hostility a philosophy that says corporations should be allowed to play by their own rules and police themselves. At this agency, industry insiders were put in charge of industry oversight. Oil companies showered regulators with gifts and favors, and were essentially allowed to conduct their own safety inspections and write their own regulations. When Ken Salazar became my Secretary of the Interior, one of his very first acts was to clean up the worst of the corruption at this agency. But it’s now clear that the problem there ran much deeper, and the pace of reform was just too slow. And so Secretary Salazar and I are bringing in new leadership at the agency Michael Bromwich, who was a tough federal prosecutor and Inspector General. And his charge over the next few months is to build an organization that acts as the oil industry’s watchdog not its partner. So one of the lessons we’ve learned from this spill is that we need better regulations, better safety standards, and better enforcement when it comes to offshore drilling. But a larger lesson is that no matter how much we improve our regulation of the industry, drilling for oil these days entails greater risk. After all, oil is a finite resource. We consume more than 20 percent of the world’s oil, but have less than 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves. And that’s part of the reason oil companies are drilling a mile beneath the surface of the ocean because we’re running out of places to drill on land and in shallow water. For decades, we have known the days of cheap and easily accessible oil were numbered. For decades, we’ve talked and talked about the need to end America’s century-long addiction to fossil fuels. And for decades, we have failed to act with the sense of urgency that this challenge requires. Time and again, the path forward has been blocked not only by oil industry lobbyists, but also by a lack of political courage and candor. The consequences of our inaction are now in plain sight. Countries like China are investing in clean energy jobs and industries that should be right here in America. Each day, we send nearly $1 billion of our wealth to foreign countries for their oil. And today, as we look to the Gulf, we see an entire way of life being threatened by a menacing cloud of black crude. We cannot consign our children to this future. The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now. Now is the moment for this generation to embark on a national mission to unleash America’s innovation and seize control of our own destiny. This is not some distant vision for America. The transition away from fossil fuels is going to take some time, but over the last year and a half, we’ve already taken unprecedented action to jumpstart the clean energy industry. As we speak, old factories are reopening to produce wind turbines, people are going back to work installing energy-efficient windows, and small businesses are making solar panels. Consumers are buying more efficient cars and trucks, and families are making their homes more energy-efficient. Scientists and researchers are discovering clean energy technologies that someday will lead to entire new industries. Each of us has a part to play in a new future that will benefit all of us. As we recover from this recession, the transition to clean energy has the potential to grow our economy and create millions of jobs but only if we accelerate that transition. Only if we seize the moment. And only if we rally together and act as one nation workers and entrepreneurs; scientists and citizens; the public and private sectors. When I was a candidate for this office, I laid out a set of principles that would move our country towards energy independence. Last year, the House of Representatives acted on these principles by passing a strong and comprehensive energy and climate bill a bill that finally makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy for America’s businesses. Now, there are costs associated with this transition. And there are some who believe that we can’t afford those costs right now. I say we can’t afford not to change how we produce and use energy because the long-term costs to our economy, our national security, and our environment are far greater. So I’m happy to look at other ideas and approaches from either party as long they seriously tackle our addiction to fossil fuels. Some have suggested raising efficiency standards in our buildings like we did in our cars and trucks. Some believe we should set standards to ensure that more of our electricity comes from wind and solar power. Others wonder why the energy industry only spends a fraction of what the high-tech industry does on research and development and want to rapidly boost our investments in such research and development. All of these approaches have merit, and deserve a fair hearing in the months ahead. But the one approach I will not accept is inaction. The one answer I will not settle for is the idea that this challenge is somehow too big and too difficult to meet. You know, the same thing was said about our ability to produce enough planes and tanks in World War II. The same thing was said about our ability to harness the science and technology to land a man safely on the surface of the moon. And yet, time and again, we have refused to settle for the paltry limits of conventional wisdom. Instead, what has defined us as a nation since our founding is the capacity to shape our destiny our determination to fight for the America we want for our children. Even if we’re unsure exactly what that looks like. Even if we don’t yet know precisely how we’re going to get there. We know we’ll get there. It’s a faith in the future that sustains us as a people. It is that same faith that sustains our neighbors in the Gulf right now. Each year, at the beginning of shrimping season, the region’s fishermen take part in a tradition that was brought to America long ago by fishing immigrants from Europe. It’s called â€Å"The Blessing of the Fleet,†and today it’s a celebration where clergy from different religions gather to say a prayer for the safety and success of the men and women who will soon head out to sea some for weeks at a time. The ceremony goes on in good times and in bad. It took place after Katrina, and it took place a few weeks ago at the beginning of the most difficult season these fishermen have ever faced. And still, they came and they prayed. For as a priest and former fisherman once said of the tradition, â€Å"The blessing is not that God has promised to remove all obstacles and dangers. The blessing is that He is with us always,†a blessing that’s granted â€Å"even in the midst of the storm.†The oil spill is not the last crisis America will face. This nation has known hard times before and we will surely know them again. What sees us through what has always seen us through is our strength, our resilience, and our unyielding faith that something better awaits us if we summon the courage to reach for it. Tonight, we pray for that courage. We pray for the people of the Gulf. And we pray that a hand may guide us through the storm towards a brighter day. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America. Source:
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Arbitration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Arbitration - Assignment Example thers are not bound by the arbitration agreement because they did not directly agree to it, as well as the fact that they were never specifically informed of it by HBW. Even though in NCR Corporation vs. Korala Associates Ltd. the court affirmed that arbitration is a legally binding method to solving disputes, Baker did not agree to the clause. Osborne Corp did, but only after the original contract had been signed, causing HBW to re-issue booklets to the homeowners that informed them of the agreement. Yet, in doing so, HBW did not call attention to the agreement, which means that the homeowners would have had no notice of it. The ethics of this practice can be called into question because while HBW issued booklets to Baker et al with the clause of arbitration included, it did not call any attention to such a agreement nor inform any of the homeowners outright that they would be bound to the agreement. It is not the fault of the homeowners that Osborne entered into the agreement, and therefore they do not have to abide by it. The homeowners did not sign the forms with HBW, Osborne did, and without informing the homeowners directly that they had done so, the homeowners cannot be held accountable. It can be inferred that the provision of arbitration was ‘hidden in the fine print’, and therefore it would be unethical to subject the homeowners to arbitration when they clearly had no way of knowing that they would have to abide by this. It can also be said that both HBW and Osborne failed in their ethical duty to the homeowners, Osborne because they did not inform the homeowners that they (Osborne Corp.) had entered into the arbitration agreement with HBW, and HBW because it did not clearly inform the homeowners that they were required to solve disputes by arbitration rather than by filing suit. Baker and the other homeowners, even though there is an agreement for arbitration under the warranty, are not bound by it because they did not sign the agreement directly
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 38
Marketing - Essay Example This new phenomenon is known as integrated marketing communication (IMC). As such, this paper seeks to critically evaluate the effectiveness of IMC in the operations of McDonald’s restaurant in the UK. The paper starts by explaining the meaning of IMC in order to gain a clear understanding of the whole concept. The paper will also explain how the concept of IMC is applied by the above mentioned company in its operations. Picton and Broderick (2005) define integrated marketing communications as â€Å"A process which involves the management and organisation of all agents in the analysis, planning, implementation and control of all marketing communications contacts, media, messages and promotional tools focussed at selected target audiences in such a way as to derive the greatest economy, efficiency, effectiveness and coherence of marketing communications effort.†Basically, integrated marketing communication is mainly focused on the strategic coordination of roles of a variety of communication disciplines such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations (Cant, 2000). Integrating the various communication channels used by the firm seeks to create the contact points where the firm can interact with the customers while the customers can also discover the firm and its brands. McDonald’s Corporation is viewed as a force to reckon within the fast food industry in the world today. The company is renowned for its burgers as well as its sophisticated delivery system that has greatly contributed to its success (Wiley, 2012). However, though the company has often come under fire for â€Å"its genetically modified practices,†it has sought to present itself as a giant in the fast food industry (Alford, 2012). The company uses different marketing communications in order to appeal to the interests of the customers as well as to retain the consumers that already exist. For instance, mass techniques
Monday, August 26, 2019
Letter of explanation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter of explanation - Essay Example Coming from a family with such strong feelings about learning about languages, my chosen ESOL classes encompassed aspects related to reading, writing, grammar and speech. These classes were attended from basic to advanced levels to achieve a good command over the language. The field of study that has always attained my attention is business administration. I have always found myself inclined towards the study of interesting modes and processes of businesses that make only few of them different than the rest. This interest has evolved into a dream of acquiring a bachelor degree in the field of business administration. Upon my arrival in this country, I was aware of the fact that I would not be able to fulfill my dream of attaining the above stated degree in the absence of fluency in English. Therefore, the fulfillment of my dream to have a bachelor degree also provoked me to attend multiple ESOL classes in the beginning of my college career. After attending ESOL classes, I have sensed a great difference in my academic performance since I am able to comprehend the on-going lectures and class discussions in a better manner. My questions do not remain unanswered since I can frame my queries in a correct manner. Class discussions have gotten more interesting and make me learn many things that cannot be comprehended in isolation. I believe that my time spent in ESOL classes have proved to be an important factor in helping me attain good academic results and experience of a productive college career. Learning a new language does not only facilitate the effective acquisition of education in another country, it also helps the individual in mingling with the prevailing culture and norms of the society. Fluency in the language of the region tends to remove the communication barriers and helps in getting one comfortable with his new surroundings. This kind of psychological aspect has also been facilitated from
Sunday, August 25, 2019
What Happened During the Negotiation Process of Coast News Case Study
What Happened During the Negotiation Process of Coast News - Case Study Example The paper throws light on negotiation as a method of performing group decisions among the parties who are engaged possessing different choices or likings. Basically, negotiation is a procedure of getting the things done from others that are expected from them particularly in the method of executing various vital decisions. Moreover, negotiation is regarded as a deal in which the engaged parties possess a direct influence upon the final outcome of the negotiation. It requires voluntary approval on behalf of the parties those who are involved in a particular negotiation. It is also considered as a give and take process in which the actual and definite conditions of a transaction are equally agreed. It is the act or technique of bargaining in order to accomplish a commonly satisfactory agreement or objective. The other significant conception of negotiation lies in the peaceful method in which the involved parties find ultimate solutions by themselves and ultimately gain maximum control of their desired result. The negotiation process is also considered as the legal and orderly management procedure by which the governments conduct their relations with other establishments and discuss, adjust as well as manage their disagreements or any differences. In this global financial market, the most significant and crucial matter lies in policymaking. It has been identified that the policy formations are related to various deeds among the parties regarding diverse issues towards communal interests and other related factors along with avoiding increase regarding the internal conflicts among the parties. In this connection, it can be observed that negotiation is a central component of policy-making procedures which determine the different issues that are addressed by the policy makers, finds solutions and required support from the involved parties to confirm that the planned policy-making decisions are sustainable. The conception of negotiation mainly takes place for various r easons. The reasons include such as the initiative taken by the involved parties in order to generate any new aspect and to resolve a problem or a dispute between the involved parties among others. A wide range of perspectives can be used in order to understand different aspects of negotiation such as economic theories and practices, psychology, political science, communication, labor relations and law among others. The same negotiation outcome can also be understood from several different perspectives because the people or the engaged parties in the procedure of negotiation can negotiate many different aspects along with considering the necessity of the fundamental process of negotiation for them who work with other people. However, the several characteristics that are common to all negotiable situations include the presence of the involved parties which may be individuals, groups or organizations among others and conflict of interest between them that is based on the dissimilariti es regarding their different views, opinions and ideas among others along with the methods in order to manage the conflict. Moreover, the characteristics of negotiable situations also include acting as a voluntary process.
Should young children be shielded from fear-inducing events, like Essay
Should young children be shielded from fear-inducing events, like Halloween, or should they be allowed to have the human emotion - Essay Example However, despite the fact that quite a number of the children enjoy the Halloween images, a large number of the children development experts believe that the holiday psychologically damages most of the children. These experts favour the protection of the children from the intense effects of Halloween. Other experts argue that fear is a natural human emotion, and as such, it is harmful preventing children being afraid. It is wrong to shield children from fear-inducing events like Halloween, and thus, it is important to subject them to human emotions of fear. Such situations act as means of training children to have fear-management skills, and thus are very important. According to Pain and Susan (2), fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat, which causes people, or animals to draw away from any fear-causing situation immediately they get that feeling. Fear is very important to children and other people due to a number of reasons. As children grow up, we expect them to become bo ld and brave adults. A brave person is one who can tackle any situation whenever it occurs to them. Therefore, a brave person does not run away from a challenging situation, but faces it with their right senses. This is the main reason why children should face both fear-inducing and scary situations such as the Halloween. Halloween, being one of the most controversial festivals in the history of Americans continuously receives positive and negative criticisms. One of the major reasons for its negative criticisms is the kind of images it draws in the minds of the young children. Halloween images of children dressed in scary costumes create anxiety and fear among the young children. This is the main reason why most of the people argue that children should not be part of the event. Further, experts point out that most of the children undergo traumatizing situations if they were to face such situations. On the other hand, their opponents argue that fear is a necessity to the growth and development of a human being. At an early age, the biggest source of fear for young children is Halloween. Therefore, they should take part in the event for experiencing the scary images of Halloween. These images make them brave people in future, making them confident enough to handle any challenging situation. Life is full of fear and anxiety, as it is characterized by incidences of high levels of uncertainty and anarchy. People cannot choose the kind of situations that they pass through in their course of life. Therefore, we have to be always vigilant enough to handle any situation whenever it happens. Situations that are likely to cause fear to adult people include the site of an accident, adventurous situations, very serious decisions that are very costly, new places and meeting new people. Emotions characterizing such situations are overwhelming to the people involved. While it is impossible to avoid such situations, we can prepare for them by having the ability to control our fear. Too much fear could escalate aq problem, especially in the event of the happening of an accident. A very emotional person, with little experience of emotional situations that require braveness can panic and cause an avoidable accident. The fact that such a person has no knowledge of facing such a situation, as well as what they should do in such circumstances lead to panic and loss of critical thinking. As such, they end up worsening a situation that if handles properly, is preventable. One of the reasons why people
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Principled Investigations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Principled Investigations - Essay Example When the suspects are arrested the police can search them for anything they might use to help them escape or for evidence relating to the offense that has led to their arrest. (Schmalleger, 2002) The police should normally arrest if they have a valid arrest warrant. However, there are some situations where they can affect an arrest without a warrant. The instances include where: suspects are in the act of committing certain offenses, they have reasonable grounds for suspecting commission of certain offenses, they have reasonable grounds for suspecting one has committed certain offenses, suspects are about to commit certain offenses and they have reasonable offense for suspecting that one is about to commit certain offenses. ...The right to legal advice can be delayed in very serious cases and the police detention should not exceed 24 hours without charging suspects. There should be counsel present in the cause of a serious charge and where one is to be interviewed under caution. (Sch malleger, 2002) Charges and Elements The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is entitled by law to draft a charge sheet and present it before a court of law. The charges that the CPS can lodge against the defendant in this case scenario are aggravated arson contrary to section 1(2) as read with section 1(3) of the Criminal Damage Act, 1971. In the alternative, the CPS may lodge the charge of racially aggravated arson, contrary to section 3 of the Criminal and Disorder Act, 1998. The maximum penalty for aggravated criminal damage and arson is life imprisonment. The CPS must, therefore, prove the actus reus and men's rea of the defendant in order to link her to the offenses. (Archbold, 1985) The elements of the felony of aggravated arson include those of simple criminal damage with the additional element of intending or being reckless as to the endangering of life. A person is guilty of criminal damage if they intentionally or recklessly destroy or damage property belonging to another without lawful excuse. The actus reus of aggravated criminal damage consists of destruction or damage, property, belonging to himself or another and endangering life. (Archbold, 1985) There is no statutory definition of 'destroy or damage', however some principles have emerged from case law.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Motion Sensors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Motion Sensors - Research Paper Example Applications of this content distribution network are outlined, followed by a list of the benefits that are associated with use of this system, both on a performance perspective and on a business perspective. Every system has some flaws, and in light of this, the limitations of the system are also discussed. Finally, there is a discussion on the reasons for the success of the system, with an emphasis on the steps taken to improve the performance of the system and the business strategies that are employed to attract and maintain clients. This report aims to analyze the successful implementation of a database system by a major corporation. In this report, focus will be on the Akamai Content Distribution Network. It outlines how the system works, its uses, limitations, costs and profits. Finally, the business approaches used by the corporation responsible for the database system are discussed. Akamai Technologies is a company located in Massachusetts, United States of America. It provides cloud services such as content delivery, web performance solutions, cloud security services and cloud networking connectivity. The company was founded in 1998 by Dr. Tom Leighton, Daniel Lewin, Jonathan Seelig and Randall Kaplan (, 2015). Some of its clients include Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo! and Bing. Development of the company was motivated by a need to solve internet congestion problems which were common at the time. Creating a team of researchers, Dr. Leighton and Mr. Lewin managed to develop mathematical algorithms that could perform intelligent routing and replication of content over a large network of distributed servers. The founders obtained an MIT license for certain intellectual property and they started development in 1998. On April 1999, Akamai Technologies started offering commercial services (, 2015). Most of the company’s early employees were students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Workplace Violence and Harrassment Essay Example for Free
Workplace Violence and Harrassment Essay Whether you are an employer or an employee, everyone is responsible for workplace safety. Within Canada, each province, territory, and the federal government, have Occupational Health and Safety legislation establishing rights and responsibilities for employers and employees. However, this legislation has not made workplaces safe and healthy in general. Here are just a few examples of workplace violence, workplace harassment and domestic violence that employers and employees are facing today. 1.â€Å"Patrick Clayton a recipient of WCB benefits entered the Edmonton WCB office and held eight people hostage at gun point for 10 hours before surrendering to police†(Edmonton Journal, 2009). 2.â€Å"Pierre Lebrun, an Ottawa Transit worker, walked into work, shot four of his co-workers and injured two more before he took his own life. Mr. Lebrun alleged he was harassed because of his speech impediment†(Branswell, 1999). 3.â€Å"Lori Dupont, an OR nurse, was romantically involved with colleague Dr. Marc Daniel for 2 years. When the relationship ended, a disgruntled Dr. Daniel viciously stabbed Ms. Dupont 7 times in the chest at work. Minutes later, he self-administered a drug overdose and died 3 days later†(Schmidt, 2006). Almost 1 in 5 violent incidents in Canada occurs at work which amounts to approximately 356,000 incidents of violence each year in the workplace (Statistics Canada, 2007). â€Å"Customers, clients, patients, students, workers, intimate partners, or family members may hurt, threaten, or harass workers while they are on the job†(Labour, guide 3, 2010). Harassment has become a growing concern both in the workplace and in society. The norms and values in society have changed. Actions and words that were acceptable or tolerated before, are not anymore. Everyone needs to be aware of their rights and where they can turn for help and support. When a person is feeling victimized they can become withdrawn from their family and friends as well as not attending work. At the same time those doing the harassing need to know that there are consequences to face for their actions. All employees and management need to be made aware of how serious this issue has become and that harassment is not only from internal employees but can also come from customers, outside contractors and any member of the public, in all workplaces. To this end, the government has placed greater onus and responsibility on the employer to act not only on reported events, but also unreported known issues of harassment and violence in the workplace. Look more: problem cause solution speech essay Relevant Theories and research On June 15, 2010, the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, specifically Bill 168 required all employers to examine the risks related to workplace violence, workplace harassment and domestic violence, in response to the increasing displays of harassment and violence affecting larger groups of people. Bill 168 required all employers to comply by ordering them to implement a policy and process to address these issues and ensure the health and safety of all their employees (Labour, workplace, 2010). But before companies can even provide support for their employees, there has to be policies and procedures developed and put into place to address the issue of workplace violence and harassment. To do this, employers need to educate themselves on what workplace harassment and violence is. The definitions and scope of what constitutes workplace harassment and violence have changed. Workplace Violence is defined as a physical force or an â€Å"attempt to exercise physical force against a worker in the workplace that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker†(Labour, key, 2010). This includes threatening behaviour, verbal or written threats, harassment, verbal abuse and physical attacks. Workplace violence extends beyond the traditional workplace and can include off site work related social or business functions or client homes. Workplace harassment means â€Å"a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. This includes sexual harassment, bullying, teasing and intimidation†(IAPA, 2009). Domestic violence is defined as a â€Å"behaviour used by one person to gain power and control over another with whom he or she has had an intimate relationship. This â€Å"may include physical violence, sexual, emotional, psychological, intimation, verbal abuse, stalking and using electronic devices to harass and control†( Labour, guide 6, 2010) The sources of workplace violence or harassment can be divided into four categories (IAPA, 2009): 1.External Threat – incidents where an individual has no relationship with the workplace and threatens or commits an act or harassment in the workplace. 2.Clients, customers or visitor Acts – an incident resulting from a client, customer or visitor at the workplace who becomes violent, threatens or harasses an employee. 3.Employee to Employee – acts of violence or harassment resulting from employment relationship. 4.Domestic Violence incidents that occur in the workplace that arise from a personal or intimate relationship between two individuals. In a guide prepared by the Law Society of Upper Canada, for addressing harassment and discrimination (LSUC, 2009), the Ontario Human Rights Commission (2000) was quoted â€Å"the best defence against human rights complaints is to be fully informed and aware of the responsibilities and protections included in the Code†. It further establishes that the adoption of effective harassment and discrimination policies and procedures along with the design and delivery of the program assists in creating a respectful work environment for everyone and also reduces the risk of liability for employers. Significant harm can be caused by inappropriate response to claims of harassment and violence, not limited to compounding the victim’s experience, affecting the victim’s relations with peers, violating the privacy of the victim, negative repercussions on the business, high absenteeism, loss of business, and legal costs attributed to these claims. In a policy statement published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (Pediatrics, 2006), it said that, although the common belief is that sexual harassment is perpetrated only on women, in 2001, 13.5% of sexual harassment charges reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the United States, were reported by men. According to information gathered by the SASHA Sexual Assault Centre in Hamilton, ON (SASHA, n.d.), â€Å"one in four women and one in ten men have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace.†In addition, only â€Å"8% of those who are harassed at work report the harassment.â⠂¬ According to an article by Karen Hughes in Gender, Work Organization (2002), she found that women sexually harassed by customers were a significant problem. Her research focused on a study of 63 female retail service workers and 20 security workers and she found that while these women had been sexually harassed by customers, they were constrained in dealing with the behaviour due to the policies and procedures that the employer placed on customer satisfaction. The women were also reluctant to confront the harasser and instead resorted to avoidance or became less friendly, which affected their job performance. According to Queen’s University Human Rights Legislation Group (2010), employers can no longer rely on the â€Å"grey area†of workplace issues. Tribunals and courts have tackled these grey area excuses such as workplace culture of joking, promise of confidentiality, and complainant did not come forward, by tackling them head on, removing them from the grey area and rejecting the excuses. A Description of the Practical Implications Effects on the Employee Harassment is a relevant issue as it can create low productivity for an organization and the morale of employees can drop. The victim may feel shame from being controlled and humiliated. The silence of co-workers is easy to understand because they fear that if they say something, they might be next. Harassment and violence can cause a host of stress related health problems. The employee may suffer from anxiety, disrupted sleep, loss of concentration, post-traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression or panic attacks. Left untreated and with prolonged exposure, the person could experience migraines, develop ulcers or have cardiovascular stress-related diseases occur; causing the transformation of social factors into damaging biological consequences. These effects of stress related health problems on the employee lead to increased tardiness, absenteeism and sick leave. When they do make it too work they tend to be unproductive, as Jennifer McCarthy (2010) stated â€Å"Harassed employees waste between 10 to 52% of their time at work dealing with, or thinking about, their problem†. Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars are lost in wages and reduced productivity. Additional negative effects of harassment and violence are reduced job satisfaction, job withdrawal and decreased career salience. Harassment can also affect the relationships the victim has with family and friends. When a person is harassed they can become depressed, vulnerable, and angry. This could include a loss of self esteem which affects them at work and home and could lead to the development of anti-social behaviour. Other negative effects include decreases in job involvement, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and in organizational citizenship behaviours. The act of reporting workplace harassment and violence in itself may cause the employee distress; doubly impacting their health, behaviour and productivity. Employees may be reluctant to report customer harassment to employers. Instead they may resort to avoidance behaviours or be less friendly which potentially may impact their performance on the job. This could lead to poor performance reviews when the aggressive customer fills out a survey and expresses their disgruntled view point. In some cases, the employee will request a work transfer in order to get away from the situation. In extreme cases, employees will lose their jobs either voluntarily or through constructive discharge. Effects on the Organization So why should employers care? Effects on the Organization include harm to image and reputation that may lead to people mistrusting the enterprise. This evaluation could weaken the market value of the brand and social image. The organization could experience difficulty in employee recruitment, training and retention, because of the harm to the company image. These problems, if not corrected would reduce commitment, morale and productivity, because the negative emotional atmosphere of the company would have a mutual influence on all personnel. A persons mood will affect ones working attitude. This in turn leads to reduced productivity and increased team conflict. It could lead to strained management-employee relations, because distrust would manifest itself. When employees begin to question what is happening in the workplace and their concerns are not addressed due to reduced communication in the workplace, this would cause things to become even worse. Employee turnover causes the loss of talented people for an enterprise, increasing the negative effects and costs of trying to replace the lost worker. It increases the use of Employee Assistance Programs, thus increasing costs of healthcare or benefits paid by the organization. EAP is intended to help employees solve issues affecting their health, happiness, working performance and the problems of success. But, by not addressing the issues of workplace violence and harassment and eliminating them, EAP cannot improve employee productivity, nor reduce employee absences. Short term/long term disability and drug plan costs that should be used for external health issues affecting the employee are instead being spent on an internal issue that should be addressed. Prevention costs are infinitesimally small compared to the high cost of an incident of workplace violence or harassment. Without policies and procedures in place, there could be extreme consequences for the employer as well as the individuals involved, as shown in the examples at the beginning of this report. The company could also be held responsible for paying out on harassment and violence related lawsuit. Significant harm can be caused by inappropriate response to claims, therefore, it should be emphasised that the goal of an employer’s response should make the alleged harassment stop and to restore the desired workplace environment. Employers should also be mindful that if there is an investigation, remedial action will not protect it from litigation if the action taken was inadequate for either the complainant or his/her coworkers. The employer has the duty to respond when they have been alerted to issues of harassment in the workplace. Recommendations The first step for any organization is to put in place a strong harassment policy that is developed by managers and employees. This written policy should include a clear definition of harassment as well as clear expectations of expected employee behaviour. Management and employees should work on creating the policy as a joint effort. The policy should also include corrective actions and stipulate that violation of its terms may result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Corrective action could range from demanding an apology for the complainant, providing counselling and/or training to the harasser and other staff to disciplining or dismissing the harasser. Some other alternatives available to the employer and employee are changing the location, assignment or reporting relationship between the complainant and harasser. As well as creating a policy, contacts must be made available 24/7 so a person has somewhere to turn for help since in many cases, the employ ee is not going to respond immediately to the harassment. Instead they will do so at a time that they feel they are in a safe environment, such as home or after work hours. Lines of communication must be opened up for all management and employees with methods set up to protect everyone’s privacy who is involved in the complaint. All employees and management must be encouraged to speak up whether they are a victim or a witness. All employees should also be informed on how to file a complaint and to document each incident including place, time and any witnesses. This falls into play whether it occurs in or outside the workplace. Training and information sessions should be scheduled to educate all employees on the policy and procedures in dealing with harassment and include a discussion period to clear up questions. The employer can use workshops, orientation sessions, films, brochures, posters, e-mail, memos and other tools to educate current employees. A copy of the policy and contact information should also be distributed to each employee as well having the information posted in areas where everyone has access. To ensure that you have advised all employees, have employees sign a commitment pledge acknowledging receipt and understanding of the policy. This will also support the employer’s due diligence should an issue arise at a later date and they must reprimand an employee for harassment and/or violence. It would also reinforce for the employee that the employer has taken this issue seriously. The policy should reinforce the timeliness for reporting a complaint in order to maintain the integrity of the information and witnesses, though it should be understood that the act of reporting may also add to the individual’s distress. It should be stressed that everyone is responsible for due diligence in reporting and responding to harassment and violence in the workplace. Threat assessments should begin before an individual is hired through background, police and reference checks. In some industries, the background and police checks should be done annually. Exit Interviews would help employers identify harassment related exits. Hiring a third party to conduct the interviews would give an unbiased picture and recap of the interview. In addition, this education should not be a one-time occurrence. On-going information sessions, training and reminders should be done at regular intervals so that everyone knows what their rights and responsibilities are in a harassment-free workplace. Conclusion In our report, we described why we chose this topic and why it is relevant. Workplace harassment and violence is everyone’s responsibility. We provided relevant theories and research. To address the escalating problem of workplace harassment and violence, the government has introduced legislation that requires employers to create policies and procedures to increase the awareness and social responsibility of harassment and violence in and out of the workplace. We described the effects workplace violence, harassment and domestic violence have on the employee and the organization. We also provided recommendations for the workplace to eliminate harassment and violence including developing a policy and providing training to existing and new employees. Employers and employees need to understand and be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Victims need to know where they can turn for help and support. Harassers need to know that there will be repercussions for their actions and workplace harassment and violence will not be tolerated. Violence and harassment have no place in the workplace. References Branswell, B. (1999). Ottawa capital shocked-massacre leaves five dead, Maclean’s. Retrieved from Canadian Human Rights Commission. (2006). Anti-harassment policies for the workplace: an employer’s guide. Retrieved from anti_ harassment _toc-eng.aspx Committee on Pediatric Workforce. (2006). Prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace and educational settings. Pediatrics 118: 1752-1756. Retrieved from;118/4/1752 Hughes, Karen D. (2002). Something to deal with: customer sexual harassment and women’s retail service work in Canada. Gender, Work Organization. Volume 5, Issue 4 (pp. 207-219). Retrieved from Journal Staff. (2009). WCB hostage-taking ends peacefully, The Edmonton Journal. Retrieved from Police+respond complaint+Edmonton+office/2128080/story.html IAPA. (2009). Workplace violence, Resource Article. Retrieved from articles/2009_worplace_violence.aspx Labour Government Ontario. (2010). Employment Standards – Health and Safety. Retrieved from Labour Government Ontario. (2010). Employment Standards – Health and Safety. Retrieved from Labour Government Ontario. (2010). Guide. Retrieved from english/hs/pubs/wvps_guide/guide_3.php Labour Government Ontario. (2010). Guide. Retrieved from english/hs/pubs/wvps_guide/guide_6.php Labour Government Ontario. (2010). Key terms concepts. Retrieved from Labour Government Ontario. (2010). Workplace violence. Retrieved from McCarthy, J. (2010). Harassment in the workplace. Solutions Newsletter, 35. Retrieved from McShane, S.L., Steen, L.S. (2009). Workplace emotion, attitudes, and stress. Canadian Organizational Behaviour. Mcgraw- Hill Ryerson (pp.77 -96) Namie, Gary. (2003). Workplace bullying: escalated incivility. Ivey Business Journal. November/December 2003. Retrieved from Queen’s University. (2010). Human rights legislation group – workplace harassment. Retrievedfrom SACHA (n.d.). Statistics. Sascha sexual assault centre. Retrieved from Schmidt, D. (2006). A killing at hotel-dieu. Windsor Star. Retrieved from Statistics Canada (2007). Study: criminal victimization in the workplace. The Daily. Retrieved from The Law Society of Upper Canada. (2009). Addressing harassment and discrimination: guide to developing a policy for law firms or legal organizations. Retrieved from Thorup, P.J. Ceaser, R.L. (n.d.). Addressing workplace harassment in Canada. The Lawyers Weekly. Retrieved from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Effects of Drinking on Depression
Effects of Drinking on Depression Drinking And Depression INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to discuss on how drinking and depression affects an individual’s thinking, what influences people to drink and end up depressed. A country’s economy, peoples life expectancy and life in general is affected by these two catastrophes. Depression refers to being sad, unhappy over something or someone. There are two types of depression; major depression and dysthymia. Dysthymia can last for years if not treated on time. Other forms of depression include postpartum depression which occurs to women mostly after birth, premenstrual depression occurs one week before the menstrual period and disappear after menstruating and seasonal affective disorder which is associated to lack of sunlight during fall and winter season. Drinking refers to the intake or ingestion of liquid into the body through the mouth i.e. water, alcohol and energy drinks. Alcoholic beverages are mainly associated to drinking and depression. Alcoholism and depression Alcohol is a depressant. Alcoholic drinks are classified into 3 categories; wine, beer and spirits. Alcohol is the most associated drug to drinking and depression in most families or individuals around the world. Depression in most families are inherited or one grows with it depending on with the family set up (Stevenson et at., 2008). Drinking makes depression worse in situations where parents are addicted alcoholics. Most women are believed to start drinking alcohol twice when they are depressed and end up thinking about suicide. According Gil et al. (2009), Russia is believed to be the leading country in alcohol consumption. Most of its citizens are believed to be taking 15.75 liters of alcohol. Spirits is the highest content in most drinks in Russia High mortality rates in most countries is among working women, men and youths. Drinking and depression goes hand in hand because when individuals are depressed the bottle seems to be the only solution to most of them. They have interl inked and according to my research depressed children are likely to be drawn to alcohol as they grow up. Most countries have laws regulating on consumption, sale, production and distribution but this do not seem to reduce because of corruption cases. This paper entails what causes depression and drinking, effects, solutions associated in psychological aspects. In psychology, most psychologists try to find and assist in resolving marital, family and interpersonal relationships over a long period. They try to help family members support their members in recovery. Most alcohol addicts are easily vulnerable to relapse. Therapies can help people boost their motivation and stop drinking. Psychologists have to be trusted by their clients to help them reduce on intake of alcohol. Drinking and depression can easily strain relations between family members, workmates and a country’s economy. Drinking and depression are common problems which occur independently. Those who are depressed opt to take alcohol to cheer up, reduce stress, or help them sleep. Alcohol whether taken in small quantities or large quantities have the same effect of affecting people’s moods. Causes and effects of drinking and depression The causal factors and effects of drinking and depression include age, weight, drinking history, influence(peer pressure)emotional and mental state of individuals, lack of energy, sadness, loneliness, guilt all contribute to drinking and depression. Both of these conditions affect people’s relation in society, suicide, rejection, social isolation and premature death. Alcohol is a major cause of depression, sleeping problems, break -ups, certain types of cancer, job loss and social isolation. Effects of drinking and depression can be fatal for instance most people consider committing suicide when faced with lots of problems, bipolar disorder can affect one’s social life .Depression and drinking can offer guidance or counselling to victims to create positive thinking towards life. Families can come together and offer comfort to avoid stigmatization to victims to prevent relapse from recovery (Conner Sà ¶rensen, 2005). The life expectancy of countries are diminishing because of the drinking and depression effects. Most of them are the employed youths and they don’t perform duties as expected. They sleep breathe, drink and worry about alcohol. High mortality rates for instance in countries like Kenya, Russia to mention a few have lost souls to the evil drink. The life expectancy among men has reduced to 30-60years because of alcohol while women rate is a bit lower though most of them smoke a lot in places like Russia where Vodka is drunk like water (Gil et al., 2009). Solutions to drinking and depression Psychological solutions to drinking and depression include individuals following a 5 step recovery program. One is recommended to build a strong social sober network within their work place. Avoid places which can trigger craving for alcohol like clubs bars or even friends. If taking drugs for alcoholism and notice something different consult your doctor. Every individual has to take a step towards sobbing up towards recovery .Another solution to drinking and depression is taking depression medicines, detoxing ,interpersonal therapy, and electric shock therapy .Attending other class or group therapies assists to reduce these problems .Centers to prevent drinking and depression should be opened in every state to prevent loss of lives. Conclusion Drinking and depression are two major problems that need to be tackled before and after happening because they cause drifts in families, create gaps at work affect one’s wellbeing .Most countries face unemployment, inflation, underdevelopment, health related issues like cancer and violence can become rampant affecting a countries dignity, interstate relations and accepting and dealing with these two can be prevented once accepted and treated regardless of the laws governing drinking .Social, economic and political aspects in society are affected by drinking and depression. Drinking and depression are perverse socially unacceptable behavior in society. References Conner, K. R., Sà ¶rensen, S. (2005). Initial depression and subsequent drinking during alcoholism treatment.Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs,66(3), 401. Gil, A., Polikina, O., Koroleva, N., McKee, M., Tomkins, S., Leon, D. A. (2009). Availability and characteristics of nonbeverage alcohols sold in 17 Russian cities in 2007.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research,33(1), 79-85. Skaff, M. M., Finney, J. W., Moos, R. H. (1999). Gender differences in problem drinking and depression: Different â€Å"vulnerabilities?†.American journal of community psychology,27(1), 25-54. Stevenson, J. R., Schroeder, J. P., Nixon, K., Besheer, J., Crews, F. T., Hodge, C. W. (2008). Abstinence following alcohol drinking produces depression-like behavior and reduced hippocampal neurogenesis in mice.Neuropsychopharmacology,34(5), 1209-1222.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Saint Anthony Of Padua Patron Saint Of Lost Things Religion Essay
Saint Anthony Of Padua Patron Saint Of Lost Things Religion Essay Saint Anthony was a 13th century Franciscan Monk, Preacher and miracle worker. His birth name was Franciscan Thaumaturgust. When Franciscan Thaumaturgust became a Franciscan monk he was given the name of Anthony. Saint Anthony was born nearly 800 years ago in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal. Saint Anthony was loyal to his church and deeply in love with God. His knowledge of the scripture and insight was incredible. According to Nugent, he was called in his day The Hammer of Heretics and The Ark of the Testament. (Nugent XIV). According to Steinbrock, Saint Anthony became a Franciscan monk because of the death in 1220 of five Franciscan monks (St. Bernard, St. Peter, St. Otho, St. Accursius, and St. Adjutus) who had been completely faithful to the Catholic Church. They were decapitated and their bodies were mutilated in Morocco, North Africa. Saint Anthony, wanting to follow in their footsteps of martyrdom, became a Franciscan monk. After the joining the Franciscan order, he only lived for ten more years (Steinbrock). Saint Anthony believed that a preachers goal must be to bring listeners to repentance and a total and genuine desire to turn away from sin, not just major sins, but all sins. Saint Anthony practiced sincere sorrow, through confession and designed all of his sermons around penance, with the intention of amendment and sorrow when confessing sin. (Nugent XIV) According to Saunders, St. Anthony was credited with many miracles during his lifetime. One miracle happened in Limoges, France while he was preaching on Holy Thursday at St. Pierre du Queriox Church. During his sermon he remembered that he was supposed to sing a lesson in the Divine Office, back where he lived at his monastery. It was then reported that he appeared simultaneously preaching in the church and singing the lesson at the monastery (Saunders). Another miracle attributed to St. Anthony is that he received an apparition of Baby Jesus. One night before Saint Anthony went to bed he decided to read the Bible. All of a sudden while reading, he saw Baby Jesus lying on the Bible and in his arms. Baby Jesus began touching and loving St. Anthonys face. This is why most photos of Saint Anthony are of him holding the Baby Jesus (Saunders). On October 3, 1226 Anthony traveled through La Provence, and returned to Italy. During this expedition another miracle happened to him. St. Anthony was burnt out by the long journey. He and his accomplice entered the house of a poor woman and she offered them wine and bread. In her haste to serve them the women forgot to cap the wine-barrel. St. Anthonys accomplice then broke his wine glass. Anthony immediately began to pray. Suddenly the glass was magically put back together in front of their eyes, and the empty barrel went from no wine to full with wine (Knight). Saint Anthony was elected Minister Provincial of Emilia after his return from Italy. But on May 30th, 1230 he decided to spend more time preaching so he resigned the office at the General Chapter of Assisi, and retired to the Convent of Padua. The last Lent he preached was in 1231. Over 30,000 people came from all parts of the world to see and hear him speak. The last sermons for Saint Anthony spoke of the wrongness of hatred and enmity. (Knight) Saint Anthony became very ill in 1231 and went to the woodland retreat, Camposampiero with two other monks for relaxation. Anthony lived in a cell built for him under the branches of a walnut tree. After his stay on the way back to Padua, Saint Anthony died at age 35. On the 13th of June in 1231, at the Poor Clare convent at Arcella, the great speaker was announced dead (Nugent 79). According to Saunders, right after his death the children in the streets started crying, The holy Father is dead. St. Anthony is dead. Thirty years upon his burial, people opened his vault and found his body had vanished in thin air, except for his tongue. St. Bonaventure grabbed the tongue and kissed it. According to Saunders, Saint Bonaventure then exclaimed, O Blessed tongue that had always praised the Lord, and made others bless Him, now it is evident what great merit thou hast before God. To this day, many people have received miracles at the tomb of St. Anthony in Padua (Saunders). According to Saunders, Pope Pius XII declared St. Anthony a Doctor of the Church on January 16, 1946. Many people around the world continue to pray to St. Anthony for strength and sorrowful repentance, as well as for help in finding lost items (Saunders).
Monday, August 19, 2019
An Army of One: Me Essay -- Analysis, Jean Twenge
The way the mind works is through a set of processes, which are steps that must be taken in order for the function it is producing to be accomplished successfully. These processes are related to those that society must be willing to take in order to achieve a desired goal, otherwise known as the ‘struggle’. Younger generations, called Generation Me, develop narcissist views that did not allow for the ‘struggle’ to be considered in their generation. The basis for this mindset is introduced by author Jean Twenge in her essay, â€Å"An Army of One: Me†, as she described the gap that occurred between Baby Boomer parents and their GenMe children. This communication was severed because GenMe was taught that their ideas are the best, and therefore not debatable. This translates to differences in opinion and results in individualism. When those individuals do not work together, as demonstrated by Deborah Tannen, author of â€Å"The Roots of Debate in Educati on and The Hope of Dialogue†, they tend to have a weak sense of debate because they stick up for themselves. As a diagnosis to this problem of disconnectedness, Nicholas Carr, author of â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†decides that our society has begun to skip steps in the process of learning and in particular, the ‘struggle’ that produces the desired outcome. The disconnectedness that has developed in society has caused the loss of real learning, and the problem based on the generation gap introduced by Twenge altered the struggle that is necessary to accomplish, which Tannen believes in and where Carr determines real learning can occur. In order for us to fully understand why we cannot achieve real learning one must understand the roots as well as the problem. Twenge talks about the problem ... ...lting in na less beneficial result, for it it only harms not only ourselves but our society as a whole. Twenge, Tannen, and Carr are all explaining and alluding to the fact that we are not being productive and constructive as a society, and that we are not working together as one. There is a great need for a change in the way that our society works, starting with a change in the teaching of children and even adults about the true meaning of self and how society can develop connectedness by working together. Once society can act for themselves and can learn to listen to others, there must then be a change in the way that learning is promoted, and most importantly a society as a whole must be the one to encourage real learning. Social connectedness is a vital component in mediating real learning, and it is one that our society has to work for in order to achieve.
Dont Judge a Book by the Cover Essay -- essays research papers
You Can’t Tell Many people feel that you can tell a lot about a person by observing what they wear and what they eat. This is not the case. Choice of clothing and eating habits, in no way, allow you to pass judgment on a person. Judging people based on these factors is extremely shallow. What one wears and eats in no way depicts character, behavior, or even intelligence. One simply cannot know a person by looking at them and observing what they eat. Such a thought is ridiculous.      Instead of looking at clothing and what one is eating, character should be the basis for opinion. Judging a book by the cover only leads to surprises, and in this case, judging a human by dress can lead to surprises as well. Just because a man or woman may not dress as nicely, they’re not necessarily bad or even poor. The particular individual may not care what anyone thinks. They may dress a certain way just so people will pass judgment on them, some may just want the attention. This is often the case. One’s appearance can lead to many false judgments. By saying someone is a bum because of what they eat or wear shows total ignorance. If a person did nothing to better their situation, they can be considered bums. If the person has good character and is just going through a rough time, passing judgment because of clothing and what they eat is wrong. The person one may think is a bum may be the best worker around, with the most character. Without getti ng to know a per...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Illusion And Disillusion In He :: essays research papers
The Journey from Illusion to Disillusion in Hemingway’s Old Man and The Sea      In our world today we are constantly bombarded with messages of illusion and falsity, however the states in which people travel through their lives differ. Some people are suspended in a state of illusion for all their lives, only realizing their potential on their deathbed. Others have their illusions stolen from them as a child and are brought up in a world without magic and fanciful ideas. For most, we discover this passage from illusion to disillusion at a time in our lives when we need it most. Quite simply, one cannot lead a happy and productive adult life when one is oblivious to the truths of this world. This does not mean, however, that the perfect life is one free from illusions, hopes and dreams. Ideally through the process of disillusionment one will learn the importance of their dreams and hold on to the ones that make them most productive. In Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and The Sea, the main character Santiago needs this rite of passage to d efine and seal his destiny, and to truly understand and believe in himself. It is through this journey that he establishes limits and boundaries on the illusions he holds onto ritualistically, and yet opens himself up to the larger possibilities of life at the same time. He goes through very obvious and specific stages in his struggle, in a world of illusion, through the sacrifice and pain of the journey and into disillusionment.      Santiago is a proud man, and the world of illusion which captivates him is the only thing that keeps him going, day after day. Sadly, Santiago does not truly have confidence in himself. He attributes much of his success and failure to luck: “‘Eighty-five is a lucky number,’ the old man said. ‘How would you like to see me bring one in that dressed out over a thousand pounds?’';(Hemingway, 13). Santiago is so preoccupied by the idea of luck, and it seems to him that all his experiences are based on powers greater than his own. This seems to parallel Hemingway’s, own illusions, as Young explains, “... both [Santiago and Hemingway] were given to remarking ‘I am a strange old man.’ And both men were preoccupied with their ‘luck’ - a kind of magic which people have in them, or do not.'; Santiago must believe that he is unlucky, as this illusion allows him to continue fishing, continue failing.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
In William Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure”: Understanding of Isabella and Claudio’s relationship
In William Shakespeare's â€Å"Measure for Measure†, the characters, and the manner in which they interact, play a critical part of the overall tone and atmosphere of the plot. One of the character's most important functions is to provide action in the scene, and insight into the various relationships that appear throughout the play, this is evident in the exchange we witness between Isabella and Claudio in Act Three, Scene one. Both characters are of considerable significance within the play, so it is interesting to note how their actions will shape the remainder of the plot. Shortly before the beginning of Act three's drama, we see Isabella confronted by Angelo, where he proposes the question, â€Å"which had you rather, that the most just law now took your brothers life, or to redeem him give up your body to such sweet uncleanness as she that he hath stained?†Isabella had been literally placed in a life – death situation here, for if she were to give in to Angelo she would lose her integrity, and essentially her soul, but were she to defy him, her brother would be beheaded the next day. Isabella, as we have witnessed in past scenes, holds strong morals, and she indeed refuses to follow with Angelo's proposal. After this seemingly traumatic encounter, Isabella gives the audience a short soliloquy in which she highlights her situation, she has already decided in her head that her brother will die, â€Å"Then, Isabel, live chaste, and, brother, die.†Keeping in mind that Isabella has seemingly premeditated the outcome of her brother's sentence, the reader wonders why she is even informing him of Angelo's proposition. When she does speak to Claudio in act three, scene one, her explanation of the offer is slow and dramatic, she first establishes her moral position before she actually gets to mention the specifics, perhaps this shows that she does have faith in her brother's ideals. She starts off by over-emphasising how evil Angelo is, â€Å"There is a devilish mercy in the judge†, maybe she hopes that Claudio would prefer is she didn't lose her chastity to a man so wicked in nature. From the point of her entry, we can sense a shift in the mood on the scene. There is a heightened feeling of suspense and anticipation as she continues to elude Claudio's questioning of the required act itself. During this time, Claudio is gradually getting frustrated, this frustration soon turns to brashness, â€Å"If I must die, I will encoun ter darkness as a bride and hug it in mine arms.†When Isabella finally yields to Claudio the term of his freedom, his initial reaction is of disgust, â€Å"Thou shalt not do't†. Soon after, we as the audience gain an insight into the workings of Claudio's and essentially man's mind, for it is the human condition to be fearful of death. We can see that Isabella and Claudio differ quite significantly when it comes to moral grounds. Fornication in Claudio's mind is â€Å"the least†of the seven deadly sins, whereas Isabella clearly places her religious piety above all others. One gets the feeling that if Isabella had stated the proposition without delay, she would have not left Claudio in an excited and hasty state, and perhaps he would have given the proposition less thought. From his first reactions of boldness, we now see a weaker, almost pleading Claudio, for when he speaks of death he gives a visceral description, one that comes from a man on the verge of an unknown journey into darkness and, â€Å"cold obstruction†. Claudio is seemingly on his knees now, â€Å"Sweet sister, let me live†, this gives the reader the impression that Isabella is cold hearted and unmoving in her treatment of her brother. Claudio, a desperate man, clinging on to the last straws of hope attempts to change Isabella's outlook on the situation, he makes it out to be that if she were to commit the sin with Angelo she would be saving her brothers life, and that end in itself would be sufficient enough to almost supersede the initial means. But Isabella continues to live up to her self righteous and hypocritical characteristics, for upon hearing her brother's plea she exhumes wrath, abusing him as a â€Å"beast†, â€Å"faithless coward†and â€Å"dishonest wretch.†Isabella's willingness to sacrifice her brother's life to maintain her personal honour further separates her from her brother, for at this point; it is evident that it will be unlikely for the two to ever return to a normal relationship. Furthermore, it is interesting that amidst this power struggle, similarities in each other's character emerges, for while it may seem that they do not share the same views, in reality neither is willing to be a martyr for the other's beliefs. The Duke, in the disguise of a friar's habit, offers an end to the intense conflict that has taken course, with an alternate plan of events. The relationships that characters possess are crucial to the overall theme of the play, for many, if not all of the questions raised in ‘Measure for Measure' are in fact questions on human nature. In essence act three, scene one encompasses perhaps the central theme, a question of morals, love and religion. In their dialect we see Isabella give greater weight to religion over love when it comes to Claudio's life, perhaps the fact that Shakespeare rather abruptly ends the conversation suggests that this question in particular is one of great consequence and importance. For instead of giving us a clear answer, he leaves the problem open, and somewhat free to personal belief and opinion.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Purpose Of Barium Swallow Health And Social Care Essay
The most common positive or radiopaque, contrast medium used to visualise the GI system in Ba sulfate which normally merely referred as Ba merely. There is contraindication to barium sulfate. These mixtures are contraindicated and might hold possible opportunity to get away into the peritoneal pit. If big sum of Ba sulphate flight into the peritoneal pit, this can take to enteric infarcts or peritoneal inflammation. This flight may happen through a pierced syrupy or during surgery that follow the radiographic process. Pathologic indicant for Ba sups This process is done to bespeak when the patient have anemia, mechanical hurting on swallowing, reflux, Preoperative anatomical presentation, appraisal of trachea-esophageal fistulous withers and besides the appraisal of the side of perforation and besides indigestion. The diseased indicant for the Ba swallow scrutiny is achalasia, anatomic anomalousnesss, barrette ‘s gorge, carcinoma gorge, dyspigia and esophageal varices. Achalasia is a motor upset of the gorge in which vermiculation is reduced along the gorge. Next is anatomic anomalousnesss which caused by disease, such as malignant neoplastic disease of the gorge or possibly. Patients who suffer a shot frequently develop impaired get downing mechanism. Certain nutrients and contrast agents are administrated during the scrutiny for rating of the swelling forms. Dysphagia is trouble in get downing this may due to a congenital or acquired status, a at bay bolus of nutrient or redness. Narrowing and enlarged, flaccid visual aspect of the gorge may be seen during the Ba sup, depending on the cause of the dysphagia. The other indicant for Ba sup is, to bespeak carcinoma of the gorge includes one of the most common malignant of the gorge is ardeno carcinoma. The one of the symptoms of this pathology include dysphagia ( trouble in get downing ) . Last, foreign organic structure are besides can be detect by utilizing this process to the patient that ingest assortment of nutrient including a bolus of nutrient, metallic object and other stuff that will lodge the gorge. Contraindications Nonspecific, nevertheless low solar H2O soluble contrast agents are best used in probes where aspiration may happen. Preparation Patient readying.Before Patient readyingNo readying for Ba swallow scrutiny needed because gorge is empty most of the clip unless an upper GI series is to follow. If the patient is have oning anything metallic from the most to the waist must be removed. Ask the patient to alter to hospital gown. Before the fluoroscopic process is perform, a patients history should be taken and the scrutiny carefully explained to the patient.After readyingWhen the process is done, the patient can go on their regular diet as usual. Take orally administered medicines unless the physician asks non to make so. In 48 to 72 hours after the process, patient stool possibly in grey or white coloring material. Patient may see irregularity and normally been treated by eating laxative. Ask the patient to imbibe a batch of H2O for several yearss to avoid irregularity excessively. If the patient experienced any unable intestine motion or undergo important alterations after the process, inquire them to reach their d octor. Equipment readying Before making this process, the radiographer should fix some equipment such as fluoroscopy table with 90/20 jousts, rapid consecutive skiagraphy ( to border per second ) or video entering possibly required for appraisal if the laryngopharynx and upper gorge during swallow. Some extra equipment besides should necessitate such as disposable cup, little cup for sparkling agent, tissue and besides a straw possibly required for consumption of Ba when the tabular array is horizontal and besides injection disposal equipment. Contrast agent readying In this process, 250 % w/v Ba sulfate suspensions of 100 milliliters are required. Gastrografin ( should non be used for the probe of a trachea-esophageal fistulous withers or when aspiration is possible ) . An sparkling agent will be required for illustration a combination of Na hydrogen carbonate and citric acid, to bring forth C dioxide to dilate the tummy. This will besides move as dual contrast agent against the Ba to heighten the visual image of the mucous membrane. Last, LOCM for about around 350mg I/ml is besides required in this process. Procedure The patient will be place behind the roentgenoscope equipment for the x beam exposure. The process begins with the patient in the vertical or vertical place and the cup of thin Ba is placed in the patients left manus closed to the left shoulder. Then, the patient is asked to get down the liquid in the cup utilizing a straw. The patient is so inquiring to take the effervescent granules ( either dry or assorted with a little sum of H2O if dry granule is excessively hard ) or other effervescent assistance, followed by citric acid. It is of import to affect on the patient that this will bring forth gas in the tummy and may give them the make fulling that they need to burp. To avoid this, the best manner is to state them to maintain swallowing. The enteric piece of land of the next gorge, tummy and duodenum are seeable when the Ba fills and coated it. The radiotherapist observes the flow of the Ba with the roentgenoscope. Swallowing of the thin Ba is observed with the patients in assorted places. The patient will inquire to revolve true 360o at their ain topographic point. This will guarantee all the surfacing facet of the stomachic mucous membrane is ready for the appraisal of the tummy. The patient is inquiring to turn to their left ( LPO ) where a topographic point image is taken. Then, patient will turn their organic structure back to the supine ( AP ) place and bend to their right ( RPO ) . Last, the patient is return to the vertical place, turn somewhat to their left and erect ( LPO ) . Film is taken to demo the distal gorge and the fundus of the tummy. The similar place will be used when the patient get down the thick Ba. The used of the thick Ba allows better visual image of mucosal forms and any lesions within the gorge. The type of Ba used is determined by the radiotherapist. After the vertical survey has been complete, horizontal and trendeleburg places with midst and thin Ba may follow. The x beam radiation is directing by the ten beam machine ( fluoroscopy ) through the patient ‘s tissue organic structure and to a movie on the opposite side of the patient ‘s organic structure. Different organic structure tissue will absorbed different sum of radiation that penetrates the organic structure tissue. The abnormalcies, different organ, and some conditions all become seeable on the x beam movie due to difference in the composing since the incursion of the x beam beam is block by them. Radiation Protection Radiation protection is used to except clinically unhelpful scrutinies. They are many ways to cut down unserviceable radiation like minimise the fluoroscopy clip and current so that merely the exact radiation is given to the patient. Use collimation during the process to minimise the field size. Give screening to the sensitive organ of the patient when possible. Introduce QA coder to optimise staff and equipment public presentation and to do regular cheques on. Use video recording equipment alternatively of utilizing cine camera during fluoroscopy. Install modern image intensives with digital image processing possible and sensitive ( e.g. CsI ) photocathodes. Use modern image intensive and topographic point movie photofluoroscopy with 100mm camera alternatively of skiagraphy whenever appropriate. Benefit Upper GI piece of land scrutiny is really safe and noninvasive process. This scrutiny besides leads to an accurate analysis of the gorge, tummy and duodenum. This is because, Ba is non absorbed by the blood the organic structure and allergic reaction due this scrutiny is really rare. No radiation will stay in patient ‘s organic structure after the process is done n X beam has really less side consequence in the diagnostic scope. Hazards Some patient may see allergic to the flavorer that is added in the Ba. The patient must state the physician if they are allergic to chocolate, citrus fruit or certain berries before the process. There is merely little opportunity that some Ba will stay in the organic structure, taking to a obstruction of the digestive system. So, patient who have an obstructor in the GI piece of land they are non allow undergoing this scrutiny. The effectual radiation dosage for this process is 6mSv which is the same as the mean individual receives from the background radiation in two old ages. Precaution Barium is non be used if perforation is suspected. Pregnant adult females are advised to avoid this process because the radiation exposure may impact the foetus. Role of radiographer Before Arrange the assignment and state the patient about the clip, the day of the month and the topographic point where the scrutiny will be held. As the radiographer, gave the radiation protection to the patient is really of import. Give the patient a shielding to protect them from the radiation that can harm them. The room must be set up decently before the scrutiny took topographic point. Make certain the room is clean and ready to be used. All the equipment ‘s like cassette 24Ãâ€"30 centimeter, little cup and straw and contrast media ( Ba sulfate/gastrografi ) must be prepared before the scrutiny started. Make certain that fluoroscopy unit is in good status. State the patient what they should make and do certain they are all prepared. When the radiographer fix the list for the scrutiny, do certain that the diabetic patient is on the first list. This is because, they have to take their medicine on clip and if the diabetic patient are being ignored, this will do injury to them. During Patient placement Focus oning Collimation Radiologists penchant Adequate supply of cassettes Identity of exposed and unexposed cassettes Exposure factor choice Table position- patient comfort and safety Hand clasps, pes remainder, pillow, reassuarance Drip if any Drumhead
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Adult Life
What I feel the definition of being an adult means to be mature and responsible with your things that you have to do in life to life basics. Age doesn’t have anything to do with being mature or being in the adult section. It’s about self realization of you becoming mature. Some people when there maturing there starting college, or a new job, or even just going through with your life. When you are an adult you can make life judgments without any ones help from family or friends. You start identifying yourself of how independent you can be by your own. One important thing that you need to be an adult is responsibility.You would need responsibility towards your family, friend members, and yourself. As a member of society you would need to engage in the community you live in, so you know your whereabouts in the place you live at. You can have a social responsibility which means to volunteer and recycle to keep the place clean. If you’re a responsible friend you would help him or her to make a good decision before he realizes he make a bad mistake. Be there for hem whenever he needs help. A responsible adult will take care of their family and help support them when they need it. Your family should be an important thing in your life.Also you should be respectful of your mom and dad, brothers and sisters. A good father or mother for your child. Without responsibility you won’t be able to fulfill your duties of being a good parent. Without it you might forget to pick up dinner for your wife. Or you could be late to pick up your son from soccer practice. As an adult, you would need to be financially responsible to support yourself. You can’t expect to be taking care of a family if you can barely support yourself. It’s an adult’s responsibility to pay the bills of the house, and worry about the money to see if he has enough to support himself.But a responsible adult is usually good with money, so he won’t be low for the month. He would know how to save money, or not waste it on anything that is not necessary. And know when to use the money if they absolutely need it, or if it’s a requirement thing. Respect is also an important part of being an adult. For example if you got hired at a job, and you don’t like someone your goanna have to learn how to deal with them. Adults have to learn how to deal with one another in daily basics. They don’t let little things get in the way of there working environment.They don’t let there emotions get the best of them. They have self control which comes from being or becoming an adult. One of my role models for being an adult is my father. He is responsible by, he pays the bills, makes sure he has food in the table, and money in the bank. When things get bad or stressful he just keeps a calm mind and thinks of what the solutions are cause that’s what a responsible adult does. My dad is teaching me of responsibility not by tell ing me, but as me just watching him and seeing what he has to do to maintain us. I respect him for everything he has done too keep us in place. Adult Life What I feel the definition of being an adult means to be mature and responsible with your things that you have to do in life to life basics. Age doesn’t have anything to do with being mature or being in the adult section. It’s about self realization of you becoming mature. Some people when there maturing there starting college, or a new job, or even just going through with your life. When you are an adult you can make life judgments without any ones help from family or friends. You start identifying yourself of how independent you can be by your own. One important thing that you need to be an adult is responsibility.You would need responsibility towards your family, friend members, and yourself. As a member of society you would need to engage in the community you live in, so you know your whereabouts in the place you live at. You can have a social responsibility which means to volunteer and recycle to keep the place clean. If you’re a responsible friend you would help him or her to make a good decision before he realizes he make a bad mistake. Be there for hem whenever he needs help. A responsible adult will take care of their family and help support them when they need it. Your family should be an important thing in your life.Also you should be respectful of your mom and dad, brothers and sisters. A good father or mother for your child. Without responsibility you won’t be able to fulfill your duties of being a good parent. Without it you might forget to pick up dinner for your wife. Or you could be late to pick up your son from soccer practice. As an adult, you would need to be financially responsible to support yourself. You can’t expect to be taking care of a family if you can barely support yourself. It’s an adult’s responsibility to pay the bills of the house, and worry about the money to see if he has enough to support himself.But a responsible adult is usually good with money, so he won’t be low for the month. He would know how to save money, or not waste it on anything that is not necessary. And know when to use the money if they absolutely need it, or if it’s a requirement thing. Respect is also an important part of being an adult. For example if you got hired at a job, and you don’t like someone your goanna have to learn how to deal with them. Adults have to learn how to deal with one another in daily basics. They don’t let little things get in the way of there working environment.They don’t let there emotions get the best of them. They have self control which comes from being or becoming an adult. One of my role models for being an adult is my father. He is responsible by, he pays the bills, makes sure he has food in the table, and money in the bank. When things get bad or stressful he just keeps a calm mind and thinks of what the solutions are cause that’s what a responsible adult does. My dad is teaching me of responsibility not by tell ing me, but as me just watching him and seeing what he has to do to maintain us. I respect him for everything he has done too keep us in place.
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